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Jimin feels happier nowadays.

he spots his cousin leaving his office and urges the boy to walk with him. they leave the school premises together, Jaehyun offering him a ride home and Jimin nods, "okay then."

they get into the car. Jimin throws his satchel between his shoes and notices Jaehyun's weary eyes on his cigarette pack. he holds it firmly in one hand. "don't worry... i ain't stupid." he furrows his brows, half laughing as he tucks his pack away.

"so, what's up my cousin?" Jaehyun asks in the friendly manner that he always does. he starts the engine, turning them out of the car park. the smell of the car consists of leather, books and the faint aura of children. Jimin suddenly misses babysitting. it was the perfect distraction. but he does prefer working at the school, he's good at it.

"the sky man, the sky."

"i hate that lame joke." Jaehyun comments and rolls his brown eyes. Jimin smiles at the fondness in the atmosphere between them. it's been too long since they've spent alone time together and he misses his closest family. Jaehyun's presence is one that illuminates brightness and carefulness in a life that's harsh to Jimin. "the kids miss you." he adds.

Jimin feels warmth spread throughout his chest. the kind of warmth that makes him feel appreciated, it's a feeling he's only ever felt with Namjoon and Serenity. the correlation makes him feel uneasy. "i miss them too. i'll try and swing by this weekend." he says, asking if he can open the window.

"go for it." Jaehyun hums smoothly as he turns a corner with carefulness. Jimin can't help but smirk, he's a careful father and driver. Jimin likes to be swift with driving. "have you been to see your parents?" he asks a question that Jimin isn't expecting, shooting him a look with curiosity.

"no i'd rather not go to a place i'm not welcome." Jimin hasn't thought about his parents in a while. he occasionally texts his father but other than that, him and his mother don't acknowledge each other. it's an odd feeling and although, he pretends not to care, he does. how can one who's supposed to love you turn away so easily? do all parents raise their kids with rigid expectations?

the point is, Jimin knows where he's not welcome.

"you'll always be welcome at mine." Jaehyun squeezes his shoulder and keeps his gaze focused on the road. the older male usually shows his affection through his gentle eyes but since he can't right now, he makes sure Jimin can feel the brotherly love through his physical action. Jimin smiles.

"thank you bro."

"someone seems happier, lighter even." Jaehyun points out. he stops at a red light and raises his brows funnily. he's noticed Jimin's rare state of euphoria. he hasn't seen the boy so light in complexion and personality in months, even years. it's nice to see him so comfortable in the climate he's created. he's just wondering if there's a reason.

"is there someone?"

Jimin's brunette eyes widen, shyness creeping into his body. "what?" his mind immediately drifts off to Serenity. before he knows it, memories from a chest of drawers are spilling out. he struggles to put everything away... her greeting him at the reception of the school, waking up with her, her being clever and her kissing him even when he's not awake. the boy feels flustered.

why am i feeling shy over a friend? is that normal?

"oh my goodness." Jaehyun laughs, slapping Jimin's shoulder. he almost squeals which is a difference from his normal exteriors of being a principal and student. "the rumours are true then? you're seeing that volunteer?" he asks, whistling.

Jimin doesn't mind the fact that there's rumours. of course, people must've noticed the way they act around each other. for example, Serenity sometimes brings him snacks at lunchtime just as an excuse to see him. other incidents include them meeting in the copy room, kissing each other secretively and bumping their hips into one another whilst they sign their names in the register. there's a certain, intimate atmosphere around them, there's no denying it.

"nah man, we're just messing around."

later that day, Jimin has Serenity between his legs and all he wants to do is ask her what they are. the thought had never crossed his mind before, he doesn't like the seriousness. what happened to things being carefree?

"let's dye my hair." he had said and she turned out to be more excited than him. so now he sits obediently as Serenity brushes her hands through his hair, using a comb as well as her fingers. there's silence along with obsessional chatter and the sound of the radio that plays in Serenity's apartment.

she doesn't question why the heated male moans at the feeling of her slender fingers tangling through his growing, normal coloured hair. at one point, she kisses his lips whilst he's talking and smiles at him sweetly. in the moment, Jimin hates the fuzzy feeling that swarms his chest, yet he keeps his ringed hand closely situated on her hip.

"i think this colour will suit you." Serenity stands back, fingers stained with pink hair dye. a bright but pastel pink will be the new colour of Jimin's hair. it's one so unusual but the colour seems to bring happiness, even if it's artificial, it seems to show change.

minutes pass and the hair is ready. Jimin and Serenity both stand in front of the mirror, one behind the other with different reactions. Jimin frowns and Serenity squeals.

"it looks horrible." 

"are you kidding? you look gorgeous."

then, their eyes meet through the mirror and Jimin knows he isn't the only one with doubts and mysteries. Serenity is dying to know what they are too. the commonality between their hesitance is due to the fact that they are both scared of the others answer.

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