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Jimin takes out his earrings.

he places them with his rings on the cupboard. he can always buy more later, it's okay to leave them behind. the materialistic items never mattered to him anyway.

Jimin leans forward, pressing a soft and lingering kiss against Serenity's forehead as she sleeps. she sleeps peacefully, hand tucked beneath her head. she's oblivious and he's glad she's a deep sleeper.

the boy rolls his suitcase out of his apartment as he looks around. he doesn't see a home, he just sees items and furniture. they all have meanings but his home is in his heart.

in order to stay there, he needs to do the things it needs.

Jimin tears a piece of paper out of one of the children's homework books. his hand scribbles short but needed sentences onto the letter that he's going to leave his girl with.

there's so much he wants to say. he's too numb to even cry.

we need to find ourselves.
I'll come back one day.
don't waste time looking for me.
– Jimin

and with that, he stepped out of his once, so called home.

he's aware that the girl who knew him inside and out would wake up to him being gone. she'd be left with nothing but a letter and she'll be in tears. he knew and he didn't care.

he predicted that she would cry and not leave the bed. what he didn't predict was the fact that she knew he was visiting Namjoon's grave and chose not to come see him.

he couldn't help but smile, he could've so fallen in love with her.

now, as he leaves to travel the world and chase his dreams, he makes one last stop. he sits down on the soil, at Namjoon's grave and sighs.

he takes out his bucket list and tells Namjoon all his new plans, how he'd been planning this for a while, how Jaehyun supported his choice and said goodbye to him in advance, how he didn't give Serenity a chance to say goodbye because he'd come back one day to see her smile.

"i miss you." Jimin's hand strokes across the carved words. for the first time, he doesn't flinch away. a tear falls down, slipping into his mouth painlessly.

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