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Jimin spots Jaehyun in the corridor.

the older one looks stressed. Jaehyun has a big role at the school, of course he would be. he's authoritative over countless children and staff. they rely on him and technically, he relies on them. the father of two loves his job but sometimes, he gets tired.

his job is constant. he goes home just to be working again.

"what are you doing at the moment?" Jimin asks, patting his shoulder before joining him by his side. he stops him before he can disappear into his office. he knows he'll hide in there, swivel in his chair and change blazers because he feels insecure.

"meetings, work ... what about you?"

"art." Jimin smiles. it's one of his favourite subjects at school, along with physical education and history. everyone loves creativity in a serious atmosphere. "you want to join?" he balances on his polished shoes, leaning forward as he invites his stressed cousin to let loose and join them in an activity of sticky glue, paint and feathers.

"nah, i wish i could." Jaehyun sighs. he takes his hands out of his dusty brown blazer pockets before punching his younger cousin playfully. it makes him happy to see him happy in an environment he has created. "you enjoy the colourful paper and feathers." for him, it's files, organisation, meetings and paperwork. the opposite.

Jimin shrugs. he retrieves a pink feather from his slim, smart trousers before tickling his principal. the two laugh, like kids which is ironic considering what their job entails.

both dressed smartly with their hearts on their sleeves.

"hey Jaehyun man, thanks again." Jimin puts the feather away safely. he promised one of the kids he'd bring it back and he can't break that promise. other promises? yeah, sure.

his gratitude makes both of them feel surprised. Jimin wants Jaehyun to know that he's fortunate for his existence. a simple thank you may not show that but he deserves it. in terms of careers, Jimin never knew what he wanted to do. there were so many options yet so little. he was lost, baffled.

there was never any help or anyone to talk to seriously. the loneliness in the educational system and the lack of support made things worse. but luckily for Jimin, he's always been close with his cousin. Jaehyun supported him, was serious when he needed someone to be and helped.

"you don't need to thank me." Jaehyun's stress eases. "now go make some kids happy." hiring Jimin was a good decision, he recognises.


Jimin doesn't mind waiting.

he's a patient person. he taught himself that waiting works. in any situation, any circumstance, waiting can get you what you want. for example, waiting for dinner or waiting in the queue at a grocery store. sometimes things need to be created slow in order to reach their full maximum potential.

patience is a virtue he needs.

after returning from work, Jimin placed his belongings away, charged his phone and decided to leave the homework marking for later. there was no rush since he had a couple of days to complete it. he didn't mind the task but just had to be in the right head space for it. right now was not the time.

just as he was about to have a shower, he receives a message.

Serenity is coming over. Jimin has no reaction. he's neither happy or frustrated. a part of him does want her to come over. after all, he did ask her to stay recently.

so as he waits for her to arrive, he does everything he needs to do in no rush. Jimin takes his time in the shower- washing his hair, soaking his body, getting changed into fresh clothes of a tucked shirt in jeans, even putting the effort in to spray perfume, wrap his favourite belt around his waist and enjoy a snack as he watches TV.

he's watching Enchanted.

Serenity knocks on the door politely. Jimin tells her to come in, eyes already watching as she strolls through. he takes in her short blazer, jeans and the bags under her eyes. she drops her bag from her shoulder, eyes meeting his as she smiles. it's a genuine smile, one he believes he doesn't deserve to see. it makes him relaxed after a long day of work. he can't help but smile back, hoping she'll feel the same.

she came back- Jimin tells himself. but he still can't bring himself to care. it doesn't mean a thing.

"it smells outside of your apartment." Serenity scrunches her nose. Jimin scoffs, it's the first thing people notice about his building. "also your neighbours are rude as fuck." she adds. from the look on her face, it seems that the reception staff must've made a comment about her never being seen here.

"yeah, welcome to my world." Jimin is aware of the negatives around the area where he lives. he got used to it pretty fast. Serenity's place is better. he's only been there twice but he remembers the sweet essence and welcoming atmosphere. he hopes he can find the effort to move to a place like that one day. "how was your day?" he doesn't ask why or what happened on her way up to his place.

"my world isn't any better." Serenity contradicts Jimin's assumptions. by her world, does she mean her life or her apartment building? "it was shitty." is all she gives him.

"can i do anything to make you feel better?" Jimin remarks from his place on his couch. it's a place he sits in often, many memories are awakened when he thinks of his couch. such a minimal, everyday object holds value. the truth is, he does want to make Serenity better but he also wants relief ... from a specific person.

"you really shouldn't have asked that." Jimin is satisfied when Serenity's thinking matches his own. they're too alike, it's scary. she seats herself beside him, taking off her jacket before smashing her lips against his.

Jimin's hands immediately find their way around Serenity's waist. he holds onto her like he's held onto other people, casually and normally.

Serenity pulls herself closer and Jimin likes the way she pulls on his hair. Jimin wonders if she feels anything other than the heat and belonging need. it's so apparent from the way they embrace and kiss each other, that emotions don't exist when they're together and he likes it that way.

"is this helping?" Jimin moves away to breathe, lips parted in pink hotness as his chest moves up and down. he leans back, taking a moment to look at Serenity as she takes him in too- eyes flickering between his sharp facial features, licking her lips slowly.

"yes." Serenity kisses him again, arms wrapping around his neck as he pulls her onto his lap. she shifts, becoming comfortable and making him moan as his hands slip under her shirt, tracing the curves of her naked back before kissing her harder.

"i'm glad to hear that stranger."

it's a fact. "i'm glad you're here."



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