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Hades watched bored as the Gods dragged his wife away right after she handed him a blanket wrapped tightly around something. "Take care of her!" She demanded before she disappeared.
Hades raised a brow and looked down to felt the bundle breathing. "Oh you gotta be kidding me." Hades groaned when he figured out what it was. Going back to the Underworld he loudly shouted. "PAIN!! PANIC!!" His two loyal minions fell down the stairs and quickly got up saluting. "Pain and Panic reporting for duty."
Hades rolled his eyes and shoved the bundle into Panic's arms and walked away. "Do something with that while I go talk to the fates."
Pain and Panic looked down at the bundle with questioning looks. Panic unwrapped the top part of the blankets and they gasped at what he saw.
"Oh wow." Pain blinked at her.
Panic smiled. "She's drop dead gorgeous, can you imagine how she's going to be when she's older?"
Hades heard what they said and rolled his eyes before he saw the fates fighting over their eyeball again. They looked up and noticed him. "Ah Hades, congratulations." Clotho said to him.
"On what?" Hades asked bored as he sat in his throne.
"On your new daughter, what else?" Lachesis told him.
Hades groaned again rubbing his temples. "Yeah yeah whatever, anyway when am I going to get off this stupid isle?"
"Well that depends on you." Atropos said smirking.
Hades grinned big. "So I am getting off, excellent, alright my lovely ladies, tell me how."
Just a few minutes later Pain and Panic jumped as they heard their master shout louder than they ever heard. "WHAT?!?!?!" They started shaking as Hades came back up with his whole body on fire and noticed them carrying a few things. "What are you doing?!"
Pain smiled nervously. "We're making a room for the young mistress."
Panic nodded looking at a bunch of different colored fabrics and paint. "What color do you think she would like?"
Groaning Hades glared at them. "Ok, so where is the brat?"
Pain and Panic frowned at what he just called her but pointed to the next room where they left her. Hades walked over to see the bundle was on a pillow on the floor and walked over to it picking her up. He sat down on his throne and slowly removed the blanket and his eyes widened at the sight. His daughter had flaming hair surrounding the top of her head, her skin was beige, she looked mortal at first but then she slowly opened her eyes revealing they were the exact same blue as her flaming hair. Hades stared down at her as she squirmed in the blanket freeing her arm and grabbing his robe with her small hand snuggling her head into his chest.
Hades flames died down and gently felt her own fiery head. "Hmm, what to call you?"
Hades actually turned out to be a good father to his daughter, when he wasn't around Pain and Panic were in charge of her and that was the best job Hades has ever given them. They both loved their new mistress and did everything that would make her happy. Every time Hades comes home Pain and Panic are always smiling big and jumping around excited telling him different stories about her.
"She said her first bad word!" Panic gushed.
"She melted one of her toys just by touching it!" Pain told him
"She didn't cry when her hair went out!"
"She ate a worm!"
"She played in ashes!"
"I think her fangs are coming!"
Hades would always smirk after hearing the stories of his daughter, when Pain and Panic were done he would always go over to his daughter smiling and gently lifts her up to him. "Hello Harmony."

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