Limo Ride

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Harmony and the boys were enjoying some sweets while Mal was looking through her mom's spellbook. Evie smiled at Mal. "You look a little washed up, let me help you out."
Mal pushed her away. "Ew, stop, I'm plotting."
"We'll it's not attractive." She turned to Harmony. "What about you Harm?"
Harmony swallowed the chocolate she was eating and turned to Evie. "Sure, why not."
Evie cheered and looked through her make up. "Ok so I'm thinking black lips and blue with purple eye shadow."
"Go for it girl." Harmony smiled at her closing her eyes.
While Evie put makeup on Harmony Carlos and Jay were still pigging out. Carlos bit into a treat and his eyes widened. "This is salty like nuts but sweet like... I don't know what."
"Let me see." Jay said.
Carlos opened his mouth showing him the chewed up food making Jay look at him in disgust before grabbing the treat and trying it himself.
"And done." Evie said smiling as she put the last touches on Harmony. She looked out the window and screamed. "LOOK!!" Everyone turned to see they were about to drive right off the broken bridge.
"It's a trap!" Carlos screamed.
Harmony rolled her eyes. "Guys guys relax." She said gently. "We're going to be fine."
"Of course you're not scared you can't be killed!" Jay shouted before the four of them screamed huddling up and closing their eyes.
Harmony waited till they stopped screaming and asked. "Are you done?"
"Huh? What just happened?" Carlos asked confused.
"Harmony, how did you know we were going to be ok?" Evie asked.
"Because, one the driver is mortal so I doubt he'd want to kill himself, two if they wanted to get rid of villains they would have picked the parents instead of us, and three I'm the daughter of death, I can tell when it's close to someone's time and you my friends have a long way to go before you join me in the underworld."
Evie admired the golden bridge. "It must be magic."
Mal went over to the driver. "Hey, did this button open the barrier?" She asked holding up a remote she found.
"Nope, this one opens the barrier, that opens my garage door and this button." He rolled up a window that separated him and the villains.
"Nasty, I like that guy." Mal smiled.
Harmony looked through her bags and pulled out a camera and started taking a picture of the magic bridge.
"Where did you get that?" Jay asked her.
"Pain and Panic gave it to me, thought I'd take some pictures to show them when I get back." She replied before taking a picture of the candy. Carlos stuffed his face with chocolate and opened his mouth to gross out Jay again. Harmony laughed and took a picture of them.
"Oh Harms, me next." Evie said doing a pose.
Soon each of them started goofing off and Harmony took their pictures. She doubted that their parents took pictures of them, that's probably why they were having so much fun.
"As soon as I get them printed I'll give them to you." She promised them.
Evie started giggling but stopped herself.
"Evie, you do know that giggling doesn't really make wrinkles right?"
"But mom said.."
"Haven't you learn anything from mother Gothel? Mothers don't always know best."

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