New Friend

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Harmony still went to Aruadon Prep, but today was a special day. Everyone got to bring their family to school. At first Harmony was sad for her friends since their parents, but instead the teachers had them help out instead. Evie helped out in the chemistry lab, Jay helped out in the gym, Mal helped out in history, and Carlos in math. Harmony was a little nervous bringing her dad since he gets bored easy, but the teachers made classes more fun since the parents were there. Finally it came to music group. "Pain, Panic, make sure you film Harmony when it's her turn, I don't wanna miss a second of it." Hades demanded his minions who Harmony invited.
Ariel came out in front of everyone smiling. "Hello my talented students and their families. For those of you who don't know, everyday I give the children a challenge today's challenge is about teamwork and inspiration." Before Ariel could continue someone knocked on the door and a boy in a wheelchair came in smiling nervously, Ariel's face brightened and she ran over giving him a hug, "Everyone, this is my oldest sister son Alec, since it's bring your family to school day I thought I'd bring him. He isn't use to his land legs yet. Now as I was saying, I want the children to sing about a message that could inspire everyone so partner up."
Before anyone could claim her, Harmony appeared in front of Alec making him gasp startled. "Hey, wanna partner up?" She asked him.
"You wanna partner with me?" He asked surprised.
"Sure, why not?"
"I just came here to watch, I'm too shy to sing." He admitted.
"Alright class, pick your song, you only have 15 minutes to choose how you're going to make this work." Ariel announced. "Parents feel free to help yourself to the refreshment stand."
"By the flaming hair, I'm guessing that's your father." Alec said pointing to Hades who was slurping out of a martini glass full of slime he made appear.
Harmony nodded. "Yep, Hades, one of the top Gods, I'm Harmony."
"My Aunt told me about you." Alec admitted. "She really admires you."
Harmony smirked. "So about what we're going to do, I have an idea." Harmony whispered her idea on how to be inspiring.
15 minutes later Ariel called everyone back. "Ok, first we have Lonnie, daughter of Mulan." Mulan smiled and waved "And her partner is Ryan, son of Rapunzel." Rapunzel smiled and stood up. Together they sang "Make A Man Out Of You."
During the performances Hades whispered to Harmony. "When is it your turn?"
Harmony smiled and whispered back. "Save the best for last."
Every time Hades almost fell asleep from being so bored at the kids performanced Harmony would nudge him. When the couple before her went on Harmony whispered. "My turn." Pain and Panic quickly made sure their cameras had plenty of film and video tape.
Ariel then announced. "Our finale is our very own Goddess Princess and... I'm sorry, who is your partner dear?"
Harmony got up and grabbed Alec's wheelchair. "Your nephew, excuse us this will only take a minute." Harmony said before she rolled Alec out of the room making everyone confused.
"I can't do this." Alec told her nervously.
"I'll make you a deal, you do this song with me and I'll make you brave, deal?" Harmony asked him.
"Do you agree?" Harmony asked.
"Yeah, if you can make it happen."
"Then shake my hand."
Alec grabbed her hand making the usual glow happen.
Everyone was waiting until Alec rolled in before Harmony followed.
"All set?" Ariel asked.
"Just a minute." Harmony made a wheelchair appear with a snap of her fingers and sat in it. "Ok, now we are." Everyone looked at her like she was crazy, even her dad, but Pain and Panic started filming anyway when Harmony made music start playing. Together her and Alec were the best performers and the most inspirational.

(play video)

Everyone jumped from their seats clapping except for Hades who just looked proud.
"We got it all Master." Pain told him pointing to the cameras.
Hades just stared at his daughter as she got up from the wheelchair, making it disappear and high five Alec.
"Make two copies." He told them after some silence as everyone praised his daugher.
"What are we going to do with them?" Panic asked.
"One is for me, send the other one to her mother." 

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