Help Harmony

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Harmony growled as she looked in Evie's mirror, her flame still didn't come back yet, usually her dad helps her with that but now she has to wait till Ellis's snow power loses effect on her.
"Hey guys, how's everyone doing?" Ben asked walking over, when no one answered him he continued. "Oh come on guys let it go."
That did it. Harmony shot up from her seat her flaming hair bright again. "Don't say that, uh! I should sue Ellis's mom for all the headaches that gave me."
Mal smiled at her. "Hey Harm, your flaming hair is back."
Harmony blinked surprised and touched it before softly grinning. "Good to be back."
Ben gave her a smile and put his hands back on Mal's shoulders. "Tomorrow after the coronation I promise everything is going to be ok." He gently whispered to Mal. "I have to go." He looked up at the others. "I'll see you guys later, oh and Harmony, about how you stood up to everybody.... Wow." He gave her a big smile showing her he was impressed before walking.
Harmony sighed. "I better go practice, I have to sing before the crowning." Getting up she was only a few feet away before she heard a voice that made her burn up.
Harmony turned to see Chad was shouting his name and giving him a look that said. 'Talk to them and I'll make your life a nightmare.' Poor Evie, now the one person who was sweet to her this whole time was now being pushed a way by Prince Idiot.
"Guess he didn't learn his lesson." Harmony was about to go over but Audrey and to her surprise Jane walked right up to her friends mocking them.
"How long does she think that's going to last?" Audrey asked Jane.
"Yeah, I mean he's never going to make a villain a queen." Jane said in the same tone and then laughing with some of the other bullies. Harmony smirked as Jane started to glow and she was back to looking the way she did before.
Jane screamed as other girls backed away from her, some were even laughing. Jane spotted Harmony and ran up to her screaming. "Help me!"
Harmony just shook her head disappointed. "A Goddess always keeps her word, but I guess a daughter of a fairy doesn't." With that she disappeared into smoke making Jane stand there alone and covering her face crying that she was now a nobody again.
Harmony appeared next to her friends and glared at everyone nearby. "Come on guys, lets get away from these royal pain in the ass."

"Excuse me, who do you think you are?" Audrey asked.
Harmony burst into flames and in a snap was right in front of her. Audrey once again looked at her in fear. "I am the daughter of one of the most power Gods." Her voice started getting deeper and stronger. "I am your worst nightmare, I am princess of the Underworld! I am what you bullies make me to be."
"Hey cousin!" Harmony turned in time to see Herbert with the garden's hose and sprayed her with it making her scream.
"HARMONY!!" All of her friends shouted jumping up from their seats.
Carlos being the fastest ran and shut the water off. Jay ran up to a shivering Harmony and picked her up bridal style. Her clothes were sticking to her body, her breathing was uneven and once again her flames were out.
Mal glared at Herbert and looked through her spells. "Once was so strong make him weak till he fixed what he did wrong." Mal waved her finger and in a second Herbert was too weak to even hold the hose.
Evie gently took Harmony's head in her hands and looked at her eyes that were full of fear. "Oh no, guys come on, she's going to have a panic attack."
Jay carried Harmony inside quickly taking her to her room with everyone else following them. Harmony has always had their backs and now it was time for them to have hers.

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