The Deal

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After music class Harmony walked out with Ellis behind her. "So, you going to thank me or something?" He asked.
"Nope." She replied.
"Well anyway do you wanna maybe hang out sometime?" He asked her.
She raised her brow at him. "Hang out? Dude, I'm fire, your ice, we shouldn't be near each other."
"Oh come on, I think you're really cool and besides we can have fun. Maybe... Like a date?"
Harmony shook her head. "Sorry frosty, if you wanna go out with me you need my father's blessings, that's the only way." With that she disappeared into smoke and leaving Ellis speechless.
Harmony appeared at her locker, all her friends were busy. Jay and Carlos were at Tourney practice, Evie was with Cinderella's son, and Mal was talking to Ben. She sighed. How were they ever going to get the wand if they keep getting distracted? She turned around in time to see Fairy Godmother's daughter go into the bathroom. Harmony smirked. "Perfect." She walked in herself and saw Jane looking in the mirror but her face changed to horror when she saw Harmony walk in. "Hello, you're Fairy Godmother's daughter right? We haven't been properly introduced. I'm Harmony." She held out her hand for Jane to shake.
"That's cool." Jane said nervously.
"There's no need to be scared, I won't hurt you. I know I know, looking at me with my flaming hair and powers is scary but I give you my word."
Jane hesitated but when she shook Harmony's hand she got more comfortable. "You're so warm."

"Yeah, never cold." Harmony chuckled. "Well I suppose you wanna get back to your friends, you must have tons."
"Hardly." Jane said sadly.
"What? I don't believe that. I mean, daughter of Fairy Godmother and a... personality like yours?"
"I rather be pretty, like you."
Harmony put her hand on her chest looking flattered. "Oh that's so sweet. Now how can you not have friends when you're so charming like that?"

Jane frowns. "I'll never be pretty or popular."
Harmony then appeared by her side. "Is that really what you want? To be popular and pretty? Is it what you desire most? Would you be willing to give up anything for it? Like your soul?"
Jane thought about it and slowly nodded.
"You know, I can make you look and feel beautiful and popular."
"You can?!" Jane asked smiling big.
Harmony nodded. "Of course, don't you know who I am? My father and I give people what they want and they give us something in return."
"Oh." Jane frowned. "I don't know how I'm going to pay."
Harmony smiled and put her arm around her shoulder. "Jane, I'm not asking for money, my daddy has all the riches in the world. All I want in return is to not be bored anymore."
"What?" Jane asked confused.
"No magic here? It's so boring, I grew up in the underworld and that place is to die for. But here they're all about studying and doing things the hard way. This place needs some magic like I have always read about back home."
"Mom doesn't believe in that anymore. She hasn't touched her wand in a long time."
"Well that needs to change don't you think?"
"I guess." Jane replied shrugging.
"Good we agree, now for our deal." Harmony stood in front of Jane with a sweet smile. "I'll make you pretty and popular if you allow me to see your mother's wand when she breaks it out."
"If I can confinivice mom, absolutely." Jane said excited.
"Good. Oh but there is one more thing." Harmony added. "When you're popular, DO NOT turn into one of those snobs that put others down just for fun, cause that would just make you a jerk."
Jane nodded her head quickly.
"Good, because if you break this deal you'll go back to being." She turned Jane back around to face the mirror. "This." She grinned when Jane looked scared then turned her back to face her. "So do we have a deal?"
Jane nodded. "Yes, deal."
Harmony smiled big and shook her hand making a glowing blue light appear in their hands. Harmony's hair got bigger and smoke surrounded them making Jane gasped scared. "Wha- what was that?"
"Oh nothing that just happens when a deal is sealed. Oh and you might want to turn around."Jane looked back at the mirror and gasped at what she saw. She looked and felt so beautiful. Harmony smirked as Jane admired herself in the mirror. "Well I kept my side of the deal, now just make sure you keep yours." With that she disappeared into her flames and smoke.

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