Full of Surprises

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All of them looked down at Harmony the next morning who still wasn't awake. She was suppose to be singing at the coronation today but now she isn't able too.
Evie made everyone's outfits even one for Dude, they all frowned at the gorgeous dress that was suppose to be made for Harmony. "This is it, we get the wand and we make our parents and Harmony proud." Mal said.
They all nod and left their friend to continue to get her strength.
Back at the island the parents were watching the coronation on the tv and eating popcorn. Snow White was hosting the show making the Evil Queen throw a handful of popcorn at the tv.
"Is that anyway to treat your step daughter?" Hades mocked her.
"I'm Snow White." EQ said raising her voice a little. "Who is she kidding, she's clearly had work done." Making them look at her. But they all looked back when they revealed the wand.
"I WANT THAT WAND?!" Maleficent shouts standing up.
"Do you? Haven't heard." Cruella mumbled.
"Here comes Prince Benjamin." Snow White announced.
"Well if it isn't..." EQ started to say but Maleficent cut her off.
"My daughter, looking like some kind of..."
"Princess." Snow White finished for her.
Everyone laughed at Maleficent as her jaw dropped.
"And the designer of the lovely dress is... Evie."
"EVIE!! THAT'S MY DAUGHTER!! EVIE!!" EQ shouted running to the tv.
"Someone named Evie designed her gown." Snow White continued.
"That's my daughter." EQ bragged.
"Oh wow, she sewed a dress meanwhile my girl is with the prince and is close to grabbing the magic wand." Maleficent told her.
Meanwhile Ben just told Mal he hasn't been under her spell since their first date.
"So you've just been faking it?" Mal asked.
Ben put his ring on to her finger and kissed her hand. "I haven't been faking anything. Are you ok?"
Mal quickly thought up of a lie. "It's just.... Harmony."
Ben frowned and nodded. "Herbert was suspended for what he did to her, I'm sorry I couldn't do more."
Suddenly the band started playing as a float of a crown was pulled behind Ben and Mal's carriage. Mal looked back and widened her eyes to see Harmony was on the top of the float wearing the dress Evie made for her and smiling down of her friend.
"And special singer is Harmony." Snow White announced before Harmony started singing.

Hades grin went so wide his face should have split in two before he pointed to Maleficent and the Evil Queen. "HA! In your face! While your daughters are playing dress up MY baby girl is a celebrity!"
As Harmony stepped off the float Mal ran over and hugged her. "How?" Was all Mal could say.
Harmony held on to her friend's hands. "Cold water might be my weakness, but you can't get rid of me that easy. Now go, your boyfriend's about to earn that crown."
Mal hugged her again. "Not without my best friend next to me." Linking arms with Harmony and Ben they all walked up to the king and queen together. The king walked up to Harmony with a blank expression.
Harmony kept a straight face as well. "I regret nothing." Was all she said before she walked in to sit with her other friends.
Belle grabbed her son's hands and gave him a small smile. "You keep listening to your heart."
With that everyone got into position. Harmony joined the music group and got front in center. As everyone started singing a look of disgust crossed her face and she looked over at Doug who gave her thumbs up when she nodded. The band started playing louder drowning the group out and Harmony grabbed a mike.
"Harmony, what are you doing?" Ariel asked.
"The song sucks and it's not what Ben wants, I have a song that's much better."
Ben looked up as Harmony started singing making Ben smile big at her as he walked. She winked at him and continued the song that fit his first official proclamation perfectly.

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