Harmony's Fun

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"You sure you don't wanna come?" Mal asked Harmony before they left for Family Day.
Harmony nodded. "Yeah, you guys have fun, I'm not going to go down there and meet my stupid deal breaking cousin and his traitor of a wife."

They nodded understanding, Herbert probably told his parents about when they first met. "We'll bring you back some food." Carlos promised her before the four of them left.
"Finally some quiet." Harmony opened up her notebook she's using for music class, the assignment is to write their own song. Harmony thought for a bit before she started writing. Things were going well until she heard someone scream. "YOU!!" Shooting up Harmony looked out the window to see an older woman who was standing next to Audrey was bothering Mal making Harmony smirk. "Finally some fun." With that she disappeared into a cloud of smoke.
''How are you here? And how have you stayed so young?" Audrey's grandma asked Mal.
Ben quickly came over and put his arm around Mal. "Queen Leah, it's ok, Maleficent is still on the island. This is her daughter Mal. Don't you remember my proclamation on giving the new generation a chance?"
"A chance to what Ben? To destroy us?" She turned to the Fairy Godmother. "You remember don't you? The poison apples and the spells?" She turned back to Mal. "The spells, my daughter was raised by fairies because of your mother's curse. Her first words... her first steps... I missed it all."
"How sentimental." Everyone looked up to see Harmony was right where everyone can see her. She put her hands over her heart and put on a fake sad face. "You know I haven't felt this..." She let out a fake sob. "Choked up since I got a hunk of moussaka caught in my throat." She then smiled and chuckled before slowly walking over passing other students and their parents. "Hey, how you doing? Looking good, nice dress."
"Who are you?" Queen Leah demanded.
''Grammy, you don't want to talk to this girl either. She the Daughter of Death." Audrey said.
"No no, daughter of the king of the underworld. I'm Harmony Hade's daughter. Now what seems to be the problem?"
"The problem is this girl's mother ruined my family's life." Queen Leah snapped.
"Yeah, you just said her MOTHER, not her so why are you being like your granddaughter right here?" Harmony asked.
"Excuse me?" Queen Leah asked.
"Oh you don't know?" Harmony asked.
"Know what?" Queen Leah asked.
"That your granddaughter and her boyfriend Chad are the school bullies." Harmony told her.
Queen Leah looked at her granddaughter. "Audrey?"
"She's lying Grammy." Audrey quickly said.
"Yeah here's a problem with that lie you just told. I'm a full blood Goddess and we have this thing where we can't lie."
Queen Leah looked at her granddaughter in disappointment before looking back up at Harmony. "Your parents were banished and you all should have stayed banished."
Harmony hold up her hand at Queen Leah. "Ok. Whoa Queen Diva, you don't get a bitch pass just because you're old." Everyone around gasped in shock but Harmony just smiled. "Yes, that's right I said it. You come here with your hypocritical ways ruining everyone's fun and think you can just walk all over kids who didn't do anything wrong? No way. You see I don't discriminate due to age. If you're going to act like an ass, I'm going to treat you like an ass." She just smirked at everyone's shocked faces. "No matter how close that ass is riding to the floor. Now, I'm going to back up and we'll take it from the top." She took a few steps back before walking back up to Audrey's grandma. "Hi I'm Harmony, my dad's the reason your daughter is still alive."
"Excuse me!" Queen Leah shouted outraged.
"Yeah, you see your daughter did die in her sleep and her soul came to the underworld, but dad knew it wasn't her time so he let her live." Harmony explained.
Chad stood in front of Harmony. "You stay away you flaming freak."
"Oh you wanna be next?' Harmony asked amused.
"What? You have nothing on me?" Chad said confidently.
"Oh really?" She towards a group of teachers. "Look over Chad's Charming's homework assignments, you'll noticed that they are all different handwriting."
Chad's face fell. "I can explain."
"Then explain this." Harmony made Chad's backpack appear. "I found it in Evie's room. Using the new girl now huh?"
"Young lady, this behavior is not appropriate." The king said walking forward.
"Oh excuse me your majesty, but I'm just a little bitter about your... banishment law."
"I banished the ones that have done terrible crimes." The King argued.
"Hmm, like someone who was selfish? Was a jerk to his loyal workers? Left a poor old woman who needed shelter out in the cold? Can you guess who I'm thinking of?"
The King's face fell. "I learned my lesson."
"But if someone else made the choice you made you yourself would have been banished on the Isle of the Lost." Harmony smirked as she walked around him, her smoke moving with her. "You locked a poor old man in a freezing cold cell where he got sick all because he needed a place to stay for the night. Your own wife's father. She forgave you but you couldn't forgive others could you? It took you what? Years to finally become a man again?"
Something cold then hit Harmony on the back of the head and everyone gasped some from shock others were taking in her beauty.
Harmony looked at everyone confused. "What?" She then felt her head. "Whoa is my hair out?"

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