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After Harmony packed she went back to the meeting in time to see Evil Queen give Evie her magic mirror.
"This is your magic Mirror?" Evie asked not looking impressed.
"Well it isn't what it use to be, then again neither are we." Evil Queen said which made her and Maleficent lightly giggle.
Harmony smirked. "Ah ah ah EQ, no laughing. Wrinkles." She mocked which made her father burst out laughing and the others to hold in their laughs.
Evil Queen rolled her eyes and told Evie. "It will help you find things though."
"Like a prince?" Evie asked.
"Like my waistline." EQ replied.
"Like the magic wand! Hello!" Maleficent snapped. "Spellbook, I need my spellbook, where is it?" EQ pointed behind her. "Ah! The safe! The safe! QUEEN! Help me! I can never figure this thing out." She shouted trying to open the fridge.
Harmony looked at her father. "Is she for real? We never go near that thing and even we know how to open it."
"Volia." EQ said as she pulled the handle.
"My spells, come darling come." Maleficent waved Mal over. "My spellbook, it doesn't work here but it will in Aruadon. Remember when we were spreading evil and ruining lives?"
"Like it was yesterday." EQ replied.
"And now you will be making your own memories... by doing exactly as I tell you.'' Maleficent told Mal before giving her the book.
Harmony then jumped at the sound of a car horn then sighed before shouting. "PAIN!"
"Coming Mistress!" Pain appeared before tripping.
"I'm sorry! I can handle it!!" Panic freaked out making him trip too and he went horns first right into Pain making him scream loudly.
Harmony sighed and helped them. "Will you boys help me with my bags?" She asked them. Pain and Panic both gave her a sad frown, they didn't want there mistress to leave not only will they miss her but Hades is going to be more harsh on them than usual. Harmony smiled at them gently. "Hey guys, guys relax this isn't goodbye it's just... see ya later." She hugged them before they sadly picked up her bags to take them to the car. While everyone went out she turned to her father. Hades gave her a gently grin and grabbed her hands. "I need you to promise me something."
Harmony nodded. "Anything."
Hades gently stroke her flames and rests his hand on her cheek. "Find that wand, grab it and bring it here the second it's in your hand."
Harmony nodded. "I'll burn down the whole school if I have to."
Hades gently kissed her head and hugged her. "You know daddy loves you right?"
Harmony nodded hugging him tightly.
Hades narrowed his eyes and smirked before he made his face go back to gentle to look at her face. He gently brushed away the tears that was about to fall from her eyes. "Even though this is a mission, have fun and NO BOYS."
Harmony giggled and nodded agreeing.
"Good, because no one is good enough for my little Goddess."
"HADES!! TELL YOUR KID TO HURRY UP!!" Maleficent shouted.
Hades growled and his flames turned red before his stomped out. "WHAT?"
Harmony quickly went in front of him. "Cool down daddy."
Hades flames died down. "Okay fine fine, I'm cool, I'm fine."
Harmony went into the limo to join the others waving goodbye to her dad and minions.

"Bring home the gold!" Jafar shouted.
"Bring home a puppy!" Cruella called out.
"Bring home a prince!" EQ yelled.
"Love you my little goddess."

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