The Dare

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Harmony listened to the rules of truth or dare. "You mortals do weird things." Was all she could say. They were all in their pajamas by now. Harmony was wearing her favorite pair that says "World's Best Daughter" Guess who gave her that.
"So we need to think what the loser is going to do." Audrey said. "Hmm, I got it, loser has to invite every student to a party at their house."
"Audrey, that won't work if me, Evie, or Mal lose. My home isn't in the mortal world and theirs is on the Isle of the Lost."
"How about... Loser has to do the winners laundry." Lonnie suggested.
"Oh no, I'm not going to risk anyone shrinking my clothes." Audrey snapped.
Harmony thought. "I got it, loser has to bubblewrap the Fairy Godmothers entire office."
Jane gasped. "My mom's office?"
"I like it." Mal said.
"Me too." Evie agreed.
"Alright, let's start the game." Lonnie said as they all sat down. "Evie, truth or dare?"

"Um.. Dare?" She said unsure.
"I dare you to go steal Jay's jersey."

Evie nodded and left the room
"Guess I'll go, Mal truth or dare?" Harmony asked.

"Truth." Mal replied.

"What's your mom's weakness?"
Mal looked shocked. "Her what?"
Harmony smirked. "She's gotta have a weakness, because everybody's got a weakness. I mean, for what? Pandora, it was the box thing. For the Trojans, hey, they bet on the wrong horse, okay?"
Mal sighed not wanting to lose the game. "Her stomach, where Prince Philip stabbed her with his sword."
Audrey couldn't help but look smug. "Harmony, truth or dare?"
"Dare." Harmony replied.
"I dare you to...' Looked around before she spotted Mal's book. "Do one of Mal's spell on yourself."
Harmony shrugged and opened up the book looking through it. "This one looks easy." She looked in the mirror and did a weird chant before she disappeared.
"Where'd she go?" Jane asked.
"What spell did she use?" Mal asked panicking at her friend vanishing.
Evie came in and help up Jay's jersey. "Got it... Hey, where's Harmony?"
When Harmony opened her eyes she was in Olympus. "What? Did I do a transfer spell?"
"Hercules, behave yourself." Someone giggled.

"Aunt Hera?" Harmony whispered to herself. She looked from her hiding spot and saw her aunt and uncle with a new kid.
"What the?" Was all Harmony could say. She heard Hera call him Hercules which made her jaw drop? But not as much as what she saw next.

(see video)

Harmony couldn't believe what she was seeing, it took all she had not to run up to her father and demand to know what was going on.
"Join the celebration." Zeus encouraged.
Hades got out of his brother's grip. "Love to, Babe. But unlike you gods lounging about up here, I regretfully have a full-time job that you, by the way, so charitably bestowed on me, Zeus. So, can't. Love to, but can't."
"You ought to slow down. You'll work yourself to death. Hah! Work yourself to death!" Zeus joked making everyone laugh. Harmony growled, how dare they treat her father this way.
She quickly snapped out of it and looked at Mal's book. She gasped at the title. "Time Reversal spell, I thought I was just going to go back a few minutes but instead...." The book fell out of her hands. "I went back in time to when my father was at his worse." She then smiled. "I can warn him, tell him what's going to happen in the future." She was about to run and stop him but then the thought hit her. "If I change the past... Dad might not meet mom and I won't exist." She sat down trying not to cry. "I have to fix this, find a way to reverse this." She looked down at herself. "... In my pajamas."

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