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All five of them looked through the doors of the museum to see a security guard, special objects were all over the room. "Is that your mom's spinning wheel?" Harmony asked when she saw it.
"It's kinda dorky looking." Carlos chuckled along with Jay.
"It's magic, it doesn't have to look scary." Mal replied before looking in her book. "Magic spindle, do not linger, make my victim prick a finger." They waited but nothing happened.
"Impressive." Jay mocked.
"I got chills." Carlos added doing a fake shiver.
"Ok, you know what." Mal looked at another spell. "Prick a finger, prick it deep, send my victim off to sleep." They watched as the guard went in a trance and touched the spindle before falling asleep right there on the floor making Mal smirk. "Not so dorky now huh?" She tried the door but it was locked. "Harmony?"
Harmony nodded her head and teleported into the museum opening the doors. The others walked in and looked around with Harmony in the front. Suddenly Harmony shouted. "DADDY!!" And ran into another room making the others run in after her then freeze. The room was full of statues of their parents and Harmony was hugging the one of her father, but then frowned. Her father didn't feel warm, he didn't hug her back and he was quiet, her father was never quiet. She let go and saw it was just a statue of her dad. All five of them frowned at the statues, Harmony was the only one that wasn't looking at them in fear, just disappointed.
"Mommy?" Evie whispered looking at her mother's statue.
"Killer." Jay said looking at his dad's
"I'll never forget mother's day again." Carlos said a little scared.
"Well the wand's not here so lets bounce." Jay brightened up right away and clapped once before walking away with Carlos and Evie. Mal and Harmony stayed behind.
Harmony sighed and gently hugged the statue again. "I miss you daddy." Mal however just looked at the statue of her mom with looks of fear, amazement and confusion.

"Mal, Harm, we found the wand." Evie told them running in.
Harmony smiled at the thought of going home and ran following her. Jay was about to grab the wand when they got there. "JAY NO!" Mal screamed but it was too late. Jay touched a force field making an alarm go off.
Harmony growled and her hair and skin became red. "JAY!!!"
"You can yell at him later Harm, we gotta leave now." Mal told her before they all started running. Luckily Carlos handled the security problem so they didn't get caught.
"Good going Jay.'' Mal yelled. "Now we have to go to school." They all made their way to the dorms except Harmony. "I'll meet you all later." With that she walked away and looked up at the sky sighing sadly and start singing.

Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How could you have sent us away?
I sit here and gaze into stillness alone,
The darkness and silence pervade

But here in my prison, my thoughts they won't fade
Of power, and glory, and praise
Till your blinded eyes, can see your own lies
The stars will recount my last days

Once was a God whose fire shone so bright,
The stars were in awe at its glow.
He smiled and said, "Surely, there is nobody
Who'd dare be asleep through this marvelous show"

Yet where were they all, his subjects he never
Caught sight of once shadows did fall
Their laughter and joy was but a hopeless dream
Which grew into nightmares as sun rays charmed all

Wait now, Lighting God, the night will arise
So keep not my fire in its place,
Uncle my judgment was not yours to give,
And soon now we'll both meet our fates.

Carry my rage, oh you shadows of night,
And carry my sorrow in kind
Uncle, your deed hurt much more than you know
The time for my vengeance is nigh

The beams of another cast brightly on others,
Whose love and affection it drew
And there that God watched, shunned by the world,
As hate filled his heart and unhappiness grew

"Why don't they adore me?" He thought
To himself, as the other had no right to boast
And that selfish Zeus did nothing to stop
The destruction of us, who had needed him most

Wait now, Lighting God, the night will arise
So keep not my fire in its place,
Uncle our judgment was not yours to give,
And soon now we'll both meet our fates.

Carry my rage, oh you shadows of night,
And carry my sorrow in kind
Uncle, your deed hurt much more than you know
May guilt plague you for your great crime
For the time of my vengeance is nigh

The years now before us
Fearful and unknown
I never imagined
I'd face them on my own

May these thousand years
Swiftly pass, I pray
My pain grows, I can't know
Are you still the same?

May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe behind your veil of sunlight
You know not my sadness, pain, nor care
And as you dream, I'll break away and meet you there."

Little did Harmony know someone was listening to her.

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