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Harmony looked out the window when she heard music and saw signs with the word welcome on it and a marching band. "Wow, they really went all out." She quickly pulled the hood of her cloak over her flaming hair not wanting to scare anyone, at least not yet.
Once the door opened Carlos fell out of it screaming as he and Jay were fighting over a piece of blue cloth. "You got everything else, why do you want whatever this is?"
"Cause you want it!" Jay replied. "Let go!"
"NO!" Carlos screamed.
Harmony laughed at them and took their picture before she started to take pictures of the area.
"Welcome to Aruadon Prep, I'm Fairy Godmother, Headmistress." Fairy Godmother introduced herself as she came forward with two boys and a girl.
"The Fairy Godmother as in Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo?" Mal asked.
"Bibbidi Bobbidi you know it." She smiled at her.
"Yeah, I always wondered what it was like for Cinderella when you just appeared out of nowhere with that sparkly wand, warm smile.. and sparkly wand."
Harmony rolled her eyes, clearly she'll have to do all the talking from now on.
Fairy Godmother however gave her another smile. ''That was a long time ago, and as I always say don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future."
One of the boys stepped up. "It's so good to finally meet you all, I'm Ben."
"Prince Benjamin, soon to be king." The girl stepped over fanning herself with her hand.
"Obsess much?" Harmony said to herself.
"You had me at prince." Evie said sweet and soft. "My mom's a queen which makes me a princess."
"The evil queen has no royal status here... and neither do you." The girl said rudely.
Harmony stepped up. "Well, I say she does."
The girl glared at her. "And you are?"
Harmony removed her cloak revealing her flaming hair and face. "Names Harmony, daughter of Hades, Lord of the dead. Hey how you doing?" She asked the wide eyed girl who looked at her with fear and shock. "Yeah, I'm a real Goddess princess and in case you don't know, Goddess princess overpowers ordinary mortal princess any day and I say Evie gets just as much princess rights as you do, or even more since she's a guest."
The girl got over her shock and glared at that before turning to the other boy next to Ben. "Did you hear that Herbert, daughter of Hades."
Harmony chuckled. "Herbert? Do your parents hate you or something?"
Herbert glared but then gave her a forced smile. "So you're Hades kid, I'm Hercules and Meg's son."
Harmony rolled her eyes. "Great, I come here and I get a surprise family reunion."
Herbert pulled her into a death hug that made Harmony's eyes almost pop out of her head and then slapped her on the back.
"Oof." She gasped then sigh. "And he has his father's strength, great."
"So how are things in the underworld?" Herbert mocked putting a hand on her shoulder.
Harmony calming moved his hand off her and replied with a smile. "Well they're just fine, you know, a little dark, a little gloomy and as always full of dead people what are you going to do?" She shrugged. Everyone stared at her making her cross her arms.
"Well um, it's uh... good to meet you.... cousin." Herbert said uncertain.
Harmony smirked. "Likewise." She shook his hand tightening her grip and set her hand on fire.
Herbert shouted and tried to pull his hand away making Harmony smirk before letting go. Herbert shook his hand and stared at her nervously chuckling. "Powerful little one aren't ya?"
Harmony smirked snapping her fingers making a small fireball appear. "Damn right."

"Well I'm Princess Audrey, Ben's girlfriend, right Bennyboo?"
Harmony laughed. "Bennyboo? That's worse than Herbert."
"Ben, Audrey, and Herbert are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow." Fairy Godmother said to the villain's kids before separating Ben and Audrey's hands. "The doors of wisdom are never shut, but the library hours are from 8 to 11, I have a little thing about curfews."
Harmony mumbled. "You and my dad both."
With that Fairy Godmother walked away with the band following her, leaving the Villain's kinds with the prince, snobby princess, and Harmony's cousin.  

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