A Talk With Lonnie

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"I think it's time Bennyboo got a new girlfriend." Mal said smirking. "And I need a love spell."
Carlos threw Mal the spell book and Mal looked through it but then frowned.
"What's wrong?" Evie asked.
"This isn't a chant, it's a potion and I never made one in my life." Mal said nervously.
Harmony walked over and looked at the spell. "It's like baking, I could make this easily."
Mal smiled at her friend. "Great, while you make it we'll learn more about the coronation and figure out a plan to escape."
Harmony nodded and teleported to the school kitchen. Some of the ingredients she had to make appear herself since the school didn't have them but after just a few things she noticed it looked like cookie dough. Harmony sighed as she got to baking. "This place isn't so bad, but it isn't home." She then found herself singing. 

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Harmony looked up when she heard the door open and quickly made the spell book disappear into smoke before Lonnie entered. "Oh hey."
"Hey, what are you doing here?" Harmony asked confused.
"I heard someone singing, I didn't recognize it as you." Lonnie then noticed the bowl. "Midnight snack?"
Harmony can't lie, that's the problem with being a Goddess, even her father can't lie. But they make things work for them by talking fast and telling the truth, just not the whole truth. "I'm homesick." She told Lonnie since that was true. "My dad's servants would make me and my dad cookies to share back home." Which was also true.
Lonnie put some dough onto her finger and tried it. Harmony wasn't worried since the spell was incomplete and wouldn't affect her. "Needs some chips." She said looking into the fridge and pulled out a bag grinning. "Chocolate chips the most important food group." Lonnie walked back over and put them in the bowl. "Isn't it the best when your family make you chocolate chip cookies, like when you're feeling sad and they're fresh from the oven with a big old glass of milk." Lonnie said looking like she was smelling freshly baked cookies right now.
Harmony gave a dreamy smile of her own. "And make you laugh and puts everything into perspective."
Lonnie smiled at Harmony nodding. "I knew it."
Harmony looked at her confused. "Knew what?"
"That even villains love their kids."
Harmony's face went sad and she went back to mixing.
"What?" Lonnie asked. "You just said..."
"Lonnie." Harmony interrupted. "I'm the only one on the island that gets love."
"What?" Lonnie gasped.
"My dad is the only one that shows his love." Harmony explained. "All the others are nothing but slaves and objects to their parents."
"Oh." Lonnie frowned. "How awful."
Harmony noticed the tears and realized a tear of sadness was something she needed for the spell. She gently brushed it away like her father does with her then flicked it into the bowl when Lonnie shut her eyes. "You're a sweet girl Lonnie, thanks for caring about my friends like I do."
Lonnie nodded. ''The others are wrong about you. You really aren't bad."
"Thanks. Now you might wanna leave, I'm not going to use the oven to bake these cookies."
Lonnie nods and walked out leaving Harmony to finish the spell. "I'm glad I didn't take her soul." She said to herself before warming up the cookie sheet with her hands.

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