They're All Villians

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Harmony turned to see Ellis was behind her. "Seriously? You put out my hair?"
"You really need to cool down Harmony, I know you're upset that your dad was banished and you had your life taken away but you're starting to get out of control."
Harmony blinked at him with a blank face before she burst out laughing. "Oh Ellis, you know all about being out of control don't you?" She walked up to him. "I am perfectly fine. Consider me the Goddess of telling things like they are. My dad is on that island because he was doing his job. Your mom was guilty of a crime and she isn't there."
"What crime?" Ellis demanded.
"Freezing her entire kingdom and then when it was colder than a corpse she just..." She gave him her famous smirk. "Ran away."
Ellis growled, ice started coming out of his hands. "I can't believe I wanted to go out with you."
Harmony shrugged her shoulders and looked at the crowd around her before going up to her friends. "If anyone treats my friends poorly again, be ready to face me. Oh and remember this, you're all villains, you were just lucky to not get banished." She turned to Ben and gave them a smile. "Except you Ben. You're innocent." Before she could walk off she was grabbed by strong hands and thrown into a tree. Everyone looked up to see Herbert glaring at her.
"How dare you call me a villain, you're the daughter of death, a monster, a killer." He shouted at her.
Harmony just rolled her eyes and got up. "Get your facts straight cousin, my dad and I never killed anyone before."
"He tried to kill us!" Herbert's mom Meg came over with Hercules behind her.
Harmony just smirked. "Well look who it is. Have you broken more promises lately?"
Meg glared at her. "Don't you dare put this on me, your father took my soul."
"That you willingly gave." Harmony pointed out. "You sold your soul to save your boyfriend's life, and how did he repay you? By running off with another woman."
Meg's face fell so Hercules came up. "Well what about when your father unleashed all those deadly monsters?"
"To prove a point to your father." Harmony's smirk turned into a deadly glare as she walked up to the son of her uncle. "Your father forced his own brother to take care of the dead without asking for his own opinion. Every time my father came out the Gods would mock him, all those years he has taken care of those lost souls and worked harder in one day than your father ever did in his entire existence!"
Hercules frowned. "I.."
Harmony slapped him across the face. "Your father, Mr. Hey get off my cloud! Ruined my father's life! Gave him the hardest job! Made him an outcast! Laughed at him in his face! How else was my father to act?!"
Hercules didn't know what to say.
"I thought so."
Fairy Godmother walked up to Harmony. "Sweetie calm down."
"And you, what happened to 'Don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future.' I have yet to see that here." She pushed Fairy Godmother to the side and walked off with her friends.
"Who does that freak think she is?" Audrey said when Harmony and her friends were gone.
"She's not wrong Audrey!" Ben snapped at her. "That island is full of innocent people. People who want to change, children who are being raised to hate, there are even infants on that island!"
"Son." The king said walking over.
"No dad! She was right, you are a villain for trapping them there."
Chad came over. "They were raised by their parents, what do you think they taught them?"
Lonnie marched over and stood next to Ben glaring at Chad. "You have no idea what they went through. They didn't teach them anything! They are slaves to their own parents, except Harmony. Her father loves her but the others abuse them, why do you think she's so protective of them?"
With that they walked away leaving everyone speechless.

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