The Truth

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Everyone looked at Harmony in fear as clenched her fists. "I made a promise to my father to get the wand." She looked down at Jane. "And when a Goddess makes a promise, she keeps it. I have no choice but to keep my word as always."
"HARMONY NO!!" Mal screams but Harmony took the wand from Jane and just like she promised she was gone the second it was in her hand.
Everyone watched the cloud of smoke disappear revealing no Harmony and no wand.
"No!" Jane screamed when she still looked the way she always did.
"Harmony." Mal whimpered tears quickly coming down her cheek.
Evie sniffled. "She's a Goddess Mal, she had no choice."
"Yeah but what's going to happen? What is Hades going to do?" Carlos asked.
Ben sighed and hugged Mal. "We'll be ok."
Suddenly thunder sounded and a green mist filled the room revealing Maleficent. "I'M BACK!!"
Mal sighed sadly still not believing this was happening. "Go away mother."
Maleficent started laughing so hard she snorted. "She is so funny." She looked back at Mal. "You're very funny." Then her voice went serious. "Here, wand me, chop chop." Everyone looked at her confused. "What are you waiting for?" Maleficent demanded.
"Mom, we don't have the wand." Mal told her.
"What? Well who has it?" Maleficent demanded.
"I do." Everyone turned to see Hade's and Harmony at the front door smirking. Hades had one hand on the wand and the other was around Harmony's shoulders.
"Hey guys, miss me?" She asked her friends.
"Hades, you sneaky devil. Good to see at least one kid isn't a traitor." Maleficent smiled at him.
Hades just smirked as he and Harmony appeared next to the Fairy Godmother and Hades handed her her wand back. "Here you go. By the way it's WAY too girly do something about that will ya." Harmony giggled while everyone else just looked shocked.

"HADES! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Maleficent demanded.

"Mally Mally Mally, if you would have listened to me for the pass 16 years you should have seen this coming." Hades taunted smirking.
"What are you talking about?" She demanded.
"You see, I was once like you, I didn't want to be a parent, I thought kids were nothing but noisy, whiny, pains in the neck. But luckily before I could do anything bad to Harmony I had a talk with the fates when she was born.
"Ah Hades, congratulations." Clotho said to him.
"On what?" Hades asked bored as he sat in his throne.
"On your new daughter, what else?" Lachesis told him.
Hades groaned again rubbing his temples. "Yeah yeah whatever, anyway when am I going to get off this stupid isle?"
"Well that depends on you." Atropos said smirking.
Hades grinned big. "So I am getting off, excellent, alright my lovely ladies, tell me how."
The Fates started to explain.
"In 16 years will be the time to have revenge on the town,
It is when a new prince will earn the crown." Clotho started.
"Oi, must you always talk in rhymes when you're explaining the future?" Hades groaned.
"Fine, we'll get to the point. The new king wants to give the children of the most popular villains a chance to get off this cursed island. Your daughter is going to be one of them."
Hades looked at them surprised. "Say what?"
"The children are going to have a chance to see what good can do, and once they realize they owe their parents nothing they themselves will give up their evil ways."
Hades growled. "I knew that stupid brat will be no use to me."
"Oh but she will, IF you treat her right."
"Excuse me?" Hades asked them confused.
"The children will betray their parents because they never got to know what love is. But you Hades, your child will love you too much to do that to you, but to earn that you have to be the best father you can be. Be patient, be protective, and of course be loving. When you do escape the island you won't rule Aruadon but you will be happy." With that all three of them disappeared leaving Hades alone.
"Ok.. so in order for me to get off this island I have to raise the brat for 16 years. Be patient, protective, and loving.." He replied what he just said in his head before he burst into flames filling up the whole room with fire. "WHAT?!?!?!"
Hades looked down at his daughter who was now a beautiful 16 year old Goddess. "At first I thought I was going to have to fake being a good dad, but after the first time I saw her I grew fond of her and I didn't have to fake anything."

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