Room Makeover

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"Hey Harms, where'd your cousin go?" Jay asked.
Harmony looked around not seeing him and shrugged before crossing her arms smirking. "Don't know, must have scared him off."
Doug walked over. "Hi guys, I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy..." He paused when he saw Evie. "Heigh Ho."
Harmony raised a brow at him. "What?" She then noticed he was giving Evie the look which made her smirk and push her friend forward gently.
"Evie, Evil Queen's daughter." Evie flirted.

Doug shook himself out of his daze. "Ok, well about your classes." Harmony took a schedule and read it over. "Uh miss." Doug said softly.
"Yes." She said not looking up.
"Your hair is on fire." He told her.
Harmony nodded. "Yeah, it's suppose to be that way. I'm the daughter of Hades. Ruler of the underworld."
Doug gulped a bit and was about to continue but Harmony's hair started turning red. "Remedial Goodness? What the hell is that?"
"Let me guess, new class." Mal asked Doug who nodded.
"My father would have a heart attack if he had one." Harmony growled.
Mal quickly said. "Come on, lets go find our dorms." Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay started going up some stairs.
Harmony cooled down and looked up at her friends. "Uh guys." They all turned to look at her, she gave them a look and pointed behind her. "Our dorms would be that way."
"How do you know that?" Mal asked her.
Harmony showed them the back of the schedule. "There's a map on the back." She explained before she started walking away while her friends quickly followed her.
Doug was still trying to remember the last dwarf. "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and.."
"Sneezy." Carlos finished for him before following the others out.
Harmony opened the door that was suppose to be her room and screamed. "I'M BLIND!!"
"Harm! What's wrong?" Mal asked running up to her.
"IT'S PINK!!!" Harmony screamed, her flames becoming bigger and taking over her body.
"Calm down Harm, we'll fix it. Evie close those curtains." Evie nodded and shut them. "Now Harmony, you can give it a make over.
Harmony immediately used her powers to make her bed look like hers back home.
Evie and Mal stared at it amazed. "That's awesome Harm, can you do mine?"
Harmony nodded and made Mals bed turn purple to match her hair. "Want me to do yours next Evie?"
Evie shook her head no. "No thanks, I kinda like it."
Harmony rolled her eyes and walked out, "Lets go see the guys."
When they got there Jay was looking at some stuff he stole and Carlos was playing a video game.
"Jay what are you doing?" Mal demanded.
"It's called stealing, it's like buying whatever I want except it's free."
"Ok, so you could do that, or you can leave all this here and pick it up when we take over the world."
"Old habits are hard to kill Mal." Harmony told her. "And we're not going to be taking over the world, our parents are."

"DIE SUCKERS!!" Carlos shouted playing his game. "Jay, come check this out, it's awesome."
"I call the next game." Harmony shouted sitting next to them watching.
Mal rolled her eyes. "Do I have to remind you why we're here."
"Fairy Godmother blah blah blah, magic wand blah blah blah." Jay replied.
"This is our chance to prove ourselves to our parents, and Harmony don't you wanna go back to your dad as soon as possible?"
Harmony frowned feeling selfish and nodded. "You're right Mal, I made a promise and I'm going to keep it."
Mal smiled at her friend and turned to Evie. "Evie mirror me."
Evie took out her magic Mirror. "Mirror Mirror on the... in my hand. Where is the Fairy Godmother's wand... stand?"
"Is it necessary to rhyme?" Harmony asked.
Evie shrugged. "My mom always did it." Evie looked back at the mirror. "It's in a museum."
"There's a museum 2.3 miles from here." Carlos said looking at his laptop.
"Alright, lets roll. Gather around me." Harmony waved her friends over.
"Why?" Mal asked.
"You'll see." She wrapped her arms around her friends and teleported them all to the museum. 

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