Harmony's Turn

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Harmony's head lift up when she heard the familiar voice and ran in front of her friends to look at the screen. Hades showed up next to the villains looking very upset. "What's with all the noise? You're going to wake the dead."
"Daddy!'' Harmony shouted, her tears of sadness now became tears of joy.
Hades froze from his spot and slowly turned to where he heard her voice to see Harmony was on a screen with her friends behind her. "Harmony?" He asked confused as he got a closer look. He saw her smile and her tears before he looked back at the other villains, his flames going from blue to red. "You mean you found a way for us to talk to the kids... AND YOU DIDN'T TELL ME!"
Each of the villains started talking at once making up excuses. Hades made a huge fireball and threw it at them making them all scream.
"My crown!"
"My hat!"
"My horns!"
The villains all ran out wanting to put out the fire as quickly as they could leaving Hades alone with the screen. His fire went down and slowly went back to blue before he smiled at Harmony. He noticed her friends and an older woman was behind her and it's been a while since he embarrassed her. "Harmony, my baby, how is Daddy's perfect little girl?"
Fairy Godmother put a hand over her heart making a soft. "Oh." sound. She never knew a villain could say something like that.
"I thought you wouldn't come." Harmony admitted.
"I didn't know about this, tell your friends I'm sorry but their parents are so going to face my wrath for not telling me."
"That's ok, we understand." Carlos assured.
Hades raised his brow at him. "Hey, aren't you that kid that freaks out at everything dog related?"
"Not anymore." Carlos said proudly.
"A lot has changed daddy. Carlos loves dogs, Jay is a star sports player, Evie is getting the best grades out of us, and Mal is dating the future king." Harmony explained.
"And what about you my child? You haven't changed have you?" Hades asked.
Fairy Godmother then stepped up smiling happy that at least one of the parents cared. "Hi, I'm Fairy Godmother, headmistress of Aruadon Prep."
Hades just gave her a bored look. "Ok."
"I just wanted to tell you, you raised an amazing child, she is top singer in our music group."
Hades looked at Harmony with a raised brow. "Music group?"
Harmony just nodded,
"And what about your "assignments"?" Hades asked.
Harmony knew he was asking about the wand but since she couldn't lie she'll have to say what little truth she has. "Working progress, but I will get them done.'' She assured him.
Hades just nodded. "Good girl."

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