Meeting In The Dorm Room

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"You seriously got Jane to make a deal?" Evie gasped.
"Yep, easiest one I ever made." Harmony smirked. "She gets her wish and we get the wand."
"You're a genius." Mal complimented her.
Soon a knock came to their door and Evie opened it. Jane ran in covered in tears. "Harmony, I am so so sorry, please to make me look like I did before."
"Calm down Jane, what's wrong?" Harmony asked softly.
"My mom, she wouldn't get the wand." Jane cried.
"Now Jane, calm down, you didn't break our deal so you're going to keep looking this way." Harmony assured her.
"Really?" Jane asked surprised.
"Of course, I didn't say when you had to get it, just get it and let me see it, take your time dear and don't give up." Harmony told her gently giving Jane a tissue.
"Thank you so much!" Jane cheered and hugged Harmony tight.

"What do you all think?" Evie asked showing them a dress she made.
Mal looked up from her drawing. "It's cute, really brings out your eyes."
"I know." Evie said smiling big.
"So who was your little boy toy I saw you talking under the bleachers with?" Harmony asked Evie smirking.
"Chad Charming." Evie sighed dreamly but then she frowned. "Oh no! I forgot to do his homework!"
Harmony's hair started turning red. "Come again?" She asked standing up.
"Chad is too busy to do his own homework so he asked me to do it." Evie explain.
''WHAT?" Harmony then went full flame making Jane scream.
"Harmony, cool down." Mal said gently.

"Okay fine fine, I'm cool, I'm fine." Harmony said after her hair went back to blue, she then turned back to Evie. "Evie, my I see what he wants you to do for him?"
"Sure." Evie gave Harmony Chad's assignments. Harmony pretended to look them over before her hands lit up and Chad's homework became ash. "Oops."
"HARMONY!" Evie screamed panicking.

"You'll thank me for that, trust me." She said smirking before she went to open the door after someone knocked on it.
A girl with very short hair came in. "Hi guys, I'm Lonnie, my mom's Mulan. I love what you did to Jane do you think you could give me a make over too?"
Mal held her hand up. "Don't talk to us, Harmony is the one that did it."
Lonnie turned to Harmony and gave her a smile. "Please."
Harmony sighed. "Um, I don't know, it only works if we have a deal.''
"I'll give you 50 dollars." Lonnie offered.
"Deal." Evie said jumping up and taking the money.
"I'm a Goddess, money means nothing to me." Harmony told them.
"You owe me for burning Chad's homework and I need new material. Lets see." Evie looked Lonnie over. "I'm thinking we lose the bangs, maybe some layers, and some highlights."
Harmony rolled her eyes. "I can't do anything unless we have a deal and she has nothing that I want."
"Mal?" Evie begged her other friend. "She already paid."
Mal sighed and looked in her spell book. "Beware foreswear replace the old with cool new hair." She waved her finger around making Lonnie's head move with it until her short black hair became long and light brown.
Lonnie looked in the mirror. "I LOVE IT!!"
"You do?" Evie asked surprised.
"It's just.." she then ripped her skirt "Now I'm cool."
Jane copied Lonnie's movement then started freaking out. "OH NO! My mom's going to kill me."
Lonnie laughed and dragged Jane out with her. "Let's go show off our new looks."
Harmony closed the door and sighed relieved. "Please tell me there won't be anymore wannabes?"
Jay came in showing off his new jersey with Carlos behind him. "Hey guys." Carlos greeted holding a dog.
Harmony gasped happily. "Carlos! You got over your fear? That's awesome!" She hugged her buddy and gently pet the dog. "Who is he?"
"This is Dude, the campus mutt." Carlos explained.
Jay went over to Mal. "So we going to get that wand?"
"Harm made a deal with Jane but it hasn't happened yet." Mal explained.
Carlos and Jay looked at Harmony shocked. "Jane is going to give you her soul?" Carlos asked nervously.
"What? No. She gets the wand and I made her look beautiful." Harmony assured.
"So what now?" Jay asked.
"I'm thinking." Mal snapped looking through the spell book.
"Someone's in a bad mood." Jay pointed out.
"My mom is counting on me, I can't let her down."
"We can do this if we all stick together."
Harmony nodded agreeing. "The sooner we get that wand the sooner we can get out of this nightmare. Because we're rotten."
"To the core." They all said together.
Evie then spoke up. "You know I found out that the Fairy Godmother blesses Ben with the wand at the coronation and we all get to go."
Before anyone could yell at Evie for not saying that sooner there was another knock on the door making Harmony groan. "Please don't be another girl who thinks this is a salon."
Mal opened the door to reveal Ben. "Hey guys, I didn't see you guys today, just wanted to know if you have any questions or need anything."
''Not that I know off." Mal replied unsure.
Ben nodded and started to walk away. "Ok, if you need anything just.."
"Wait, is it true we get to go to your coronation?" Mal asked quickly.
"Yeah the whole school goes."
"Wow that is beyond exciting. Do you think it's possible the five of us could stand up front and soak in all that goodness?"
"I wish you could, but up front it's only me, my folks and my girlfriend."
"And your girlfriend?"
"Yeah, I'm sorry."
"Ok, bye thanks." Mal then slammed the door before turning to the others.
"Seriously Mal." Harmony groaned. "Your acting sucks."

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