Father's Song

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"Where are you taking me again?" Harmony asked as Fairy Godmother led her somewhere after allowing Harmony to take a nap.
"Well we were told that you sing beautifully, we would like to hear you." Fairy Godmother explained.
"Who?" Harmony asked before she waked in a room full of other students and the former little mermaid in the front smiling.
"Hello Harmony, I'm Ariel, the music teacher. Ellis told us you have an amazing voice."
"Who's he?" Harmony asked.
A boy with snow white hair raised his hand. Seeing him made Harmony stare, he had ice coming out of his finger tips making her back up as he came over. "Hi, I'm Ellis, Elsa's son."
"Hi Frosty, you might not want to get too close. If you couldn't tell by the flaming hair, I'm fire." Some of the students snickered while Ellis when back to his seat.
Ariel smiled at Harmony. "Why don't you have a seat, we're about to do our challenge of the day."
"I give you a topic and you sing the first song that comes to mind." She explained. Harmony shrugged and sat down before Ariel continued. "Now class, today's challenge is to sing a song your parents sang to you. So who would like to go first?"
One by one each student sang songs their parents are famous for singing. Mulan's daughter sang Reflection, Aladin's kid sang A Whole New World, Ellis sang Do You Wanna Build a Snowman, well you get the idea. Finally it was Harmony's turn.
"Did your dad even ever sing to you?" One of the other students asked.
"Would I be standing here if he didn't?" Harmony asked her hair glowing red before she calmed down and pictured when her father would take her on walks through the underworld when she was having a bad day and sang a song as they walked to make her smile as they watch the darkness and souls. She looked over at Ariel and Fairy Godmother who were giving her encouraging smiles and the students were looking confused. Sighing she started to sing her father's song. 

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Everyone looked amazed by her voice. Those who didn't think the Villains kids didn't belong with them slowly clapped and the others were smiling and cheering.
Ariel came up to her clapping. "I knew it, I knew you had talent. I mean your name is Harmony that has singer all over it, and you're perfect to join our group."

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