Field Trip

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Hades appeared right into the Fairy Godmother's office startling her again. "So what did you wanna see me about? Did my little Harmony accidentally burn something again?"
Fairy Godmother offered Hades a seat. "Well, not really, but the school is going on our annual nature field trip and I would like for you to come. Many parents come to chaperone but I doubt any of them can handle Harmony's temper."
Hades chuckled. "Fine, I'll take time off from my busy schedule to come keep an eye on my own daughter."
Meanwhile Harmony was with Evie, Mal, and Jane. "So what is this Nature Field Trip?" Mal asked.
"It's when my mom, some of the teachers, and a few volunteers take us to places like fields and forests and we explore the wonders of nature." Jane explained.
"Do we have to go? Nature isn't my thing even, especially when my mom is the Goddess of Spring." Harmony groaned.
"I think you should try forgiving your mom." Mal told Harmony.
Harmony rolled her eyes and looked over at Mal. "Sure, right after you forgive yours and she's not two inches anymore."
Hades appeared looking smug. "Guess what Princess, I'm going on this trip with you."
''Seriously dad? You hate nature as much as I do. Remember last time when you burned down every tree surrounding you."
"Harmony my angel of darkness, my princess of death, my little darling." Hades cooed as he rubbed his nose with hers and pinched her cheeks making her friends giggle and Harmony giving them a look that could kill, but Hades continued. "I was personally asked to come by the big fairy herself, seems she's worried you'll be out of line."
Harmony groaned. "Do I have to go? Don't I have work to do in the underworld or something?"
"Nope, as always we're ahead of schedule, well whatever you ladies were talking about carry on." Hades said before he disappeared.
Harmony sighed. "Guess I'm really going."
"Aren't you worried your dad is going to embarrass you?" Evie asked.
Harmony glared at them, her eyes turning red as well as her flaming hair. "You think I don't know how to handle my own father?"
"Never mind." Evie squeaked.
During the field trip Harmony linked her arm to her dad's before he'd make her hold his hand like a 5 year old. At least with their arms linked they looked more like the royalty they are. "I'm bored dad." Was all Harmony would say as they were at a field.
Hades looked bored too. "I know but nothing really we could do."
"After this how about some pranks?" Harmony asked.
Hades smirked at her. "You're just like me, couldn't be prouder."
"Alright class, time for the next spot." Fairy Godmother clapped smiling.
Harmony rolled her eyes. "How much tea with extra sugar does she drink a day?"
Hades laughed as they followed the group but his laughing died down when they saw where they were heading. "Oh no."
Hades appeared in front of Fairy Godmother again making her jump again. "I'm never going to get use to that.''Hades chuckled nervously. "FG, can I call you FG? I'm going to call you FG, we really shouldn't be in this area, I say we go back to your preppy school, you go to your office the kids do whatever it is kids do, Harmony and I go to work, we dance, we kiss, we schmooze, we carry on, we go home happy. What do you say? Come on."
Fairy Godmother laid a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Now I know you and Harmony don't like water, but I promise, everything will be fine."
"It's not just the water." He tried to say but she just walked right past him. "Anybody listenin'? It's like I'm - What am I, an echo or something? Hello? Hello? Am I talking to, what, hyperspace? Hello, it's me! Nobody listens."
Harmony walked up to her dad. "What's going on? I haven't seen you look this worried since I fell into the river of souls."
"This is where the River Guardian use to walk around." Hades explained.
"You mean the guy that's literally a horse's ass?"
Hades facepalmed. "Just... stay where I can see you, alright?"
Harmony nodded until she heard screaming, and not just any screaming. "CARLOS!" Harmony shouted before she ran towards the screams.
Hades sighed. "What part of staying where I can see her didn't she get?" He said before he followed her only to see a younger version of the old River Guardian, no doubt his own kid and with Carlos in his hand.
"PUT MY FRIEND DOWN!" Harmony demanded.

The River Guardian looked down at her and his eyes widened. "Whoa, talk about an upgrade" He dropped Carlos who ran behind Harmony who has been his protector since they were kids.
As the River Guardian got closer Harmony punched him so hard he flew into a rock on the other side of the river. Everyone looked at her shocked, even Hades didn't know she had strength like that. The River Guardian shook his head and growled before charging but once again Harmony surprised everyone.  

Fire surrounded her body as she literally flew right into the beast.
The River Guardian was knocked out and Harmony smirked at her work before turning around to see everyone with surprise expressions. "What?"
Hades walked up to her. "Since when could you do that?"
Harmony shrugged. "Always. Just never had a reason to do it."
Hades just stared at her before he burst out laughing. "That's my girl." He then went serious and turned to the Fairy Godmother. "You might want to take the kids out of here, what I'm about to do is not for kids to see." He said cracking his knuckles and glaring at the River Guardian before grabbing it by the neck. "You know I never liked it when someone gave those kind of looks to kids..." He said calming before he exploded in flames. "ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO MY DAUGHTER!!" 

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