Big Girls Do Cry

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Harmony was finally use to being up for her classes and not staying up till sunrise. She was taking notes in Remedial Goodness till Fairy Godmother got their attention. "Children, excuse me. Um, as you know this Sunday is Family Day here at Aruadon Prep and because your parents can't be here due to... distances. We've arranged for a special treat." She went over to the tv in the front of the classroom turning on a tv to reveal Maleficent's head taking up the whole screen.
"I don't see anything nor do I hear." Maleficent's voice said through the speakers.
Harmony gasped happy when she saw there were others behind her and ran right to the front grabbing the screen with both hands. But her smile turned into a frown when she only saw Maleficent, Jafar, Evil Queen and Cruella. "Where's my father?" She asked confused.
Fairy Godmother and all her friends walked over surrounding her to see that Hades was missing and the villains were having a hard time with the laptop they were given.
Cruella was waving both her hands to the screen.
Jafar was saying press enter.
Maleficent was shouting at Evil Queen for the remote.
Harmony would have laughed if she wasn't so heartbroken, if her father was there his flames would be dangerously hot and he'd be yelling at them to hurry up.
Fairy Godmother gently put her arm around Harmony's shoulder. "I'm sure he'll show up darling."
"Is this thing on? It's broken!" Maleficent shouted making Cruella groan frustrated. "I hate electronics." Finally they got it to work to show the kids and Fairy Godmother.
Evil Queen started wildly waving. "Evie! It's mommy. Oh look how beautiful, well you know what they say, 'The poison apple doesn't fall far from the tree."
"Don't you mean the weeds?" Maleficent joked making Jafar chuckle.
"Oh, who's the old bat that's choking Harmony?" Cruella asked.
"She's Fairy Godmother Miss. DeVil. Um is my father around?" Harmony asked hopefully.
Maleficent gave her a fake pout. "Oh no honey we're so sorry, we tried to get a hold of him but he is very busy with his "Job"."
Harmony quickly ran into the corner of the room and sat down sobbing burying her face into her knees as she hugged them. All her friends and Fairy Godmother looked at her feeling so sad for her.
"And you." Maleficent said making them turn their heads back to the screen. ''Still doing tricks with eggplants?"
"I turned a pumpkin into a beautiful carriage." Fairy Godmother scold.
"You really couldn't give Cinderella till 1 AM, I mean really, what? The hamsters have to be back on their little wheels?" Maleficent mocked making all the other villains laugh along with her.
"THEY WERE MICE!! Now if you excuse me I have a student to comfort." With that said she went back over to Harmony leaving the others alone with their parents.
Mal walked up first. "Hi mom."
"MAL!" Maleficent gasped completely forgetting her child was in the same room as the Fairy Godmother. 'I m... m..." EQ had to slap her back to say. "Miss you."
"You children are never far from our thoughts." Jafar added as Cruella waved to them.
"I got this." Maleficent mumbled before looking back at Mal. "How long must mommy wait to see you?"
"There's this big coronation coming up, so I think sometime probably after.... that." Mal replied.
"When?" Maleficent demanded impatiently.
"Friday, 10 AM."
"You sure I can't see you before that? I don't know what I'll do if I don't get my hands on that magic wa..." EQ had to smack her horns to stop her from finishing that sentence. "I mean you, you little nugget that I love so much." Maleficent said was Cruella blew kisses.
"Yes, I completely understand mother." Mal sighed but still smiled.
"Carlos! Is that a dog?" Cruella asked pressing her face right up to the screen. Carlos held Dude tightly while Dude nuzzles against him making a small sound. Carlos just slowly nodded. Cruella squeaked her stuffed puppy and nods at it. "Oh yes Baby, I do understand, it would be the perfect size for earmuffs." Cruella said before doing her insane laugh again.
Carlos got mad at that and stepped right up the the screen hugging Dude. "He's the perfect size for a PET!" Cruella frowned and backed away surprised making Carlos continue. "This dog loves me and I love him. And FYI your dog is STUFFED! So give it a rest already!"
Jafar laughed and turned to Cruella. "Oh ho ho ho burn!"
"Oh go sell a toaster you two-bit salesman."
Jay got fed up and was about to turn the screen off but a big powerful voice shouted. "ENOUGH!!"

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