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All five kids were in Remedial Goodness the next morning and much to Fairy Godmother's annoyance. Harmony was fast asleep.
"You'll have to forgive her. She isn't use to being up around this time." Mal explained.
Evie nodded. "She usually doesn't sleep till 6 am. You know it's hard to see the sun when you're in the underworld."
Fairy Godmother walked up to Harmony but Carlos quickly blocked her. "If you startle her she'll literally burn up."
"I'll be careful." She assured him before she gently stroke Harmony's cheek. "Harmony dear, can you wake up for me please?"
Harmony yawned and blinked her eyes open. "Man, why do you mortals need to get up so damn early?"
"Language missy." Fairy Godmother warned. "Harmony can you answer this question? If someone gives you a crying baby, do you A) Curse it? B) Lock it in a tower? C) Give it a bottle? Or D) Carve it's heart out."
"That depends." Harmony replied.
"On what?" She asked confused.
"What's in the bottle? Cause my dad gave Hercules a bottle to turn him mortal so it would be easier to kill him."
Fairy Godmother realized her mistake and quickly said. "Milk, it's full of harmless warm milk."
"Then C." Harmony replied.
"How'd you know that Harm?" Carlos asked her impressed.
"Because my dad, Pain, and Panic never Cursed me, locked me up, or carved anything out of me when I was crying." Harmony explained.
"Just pick the one that sounds the least fun." Mal told the boys.
Harmony was about to fall asleep again, when a girl she hasn't seen yet came in. "Hello dear one." Fairy Godmother greeted the girl. "Everyone remember my daughter Jane?"
"Mom no." Jane whispered embarrassed and nervous.
"It's ok, Jane this is everyone."
"Hi, it's ok, don't mind me, I'm leaving." With that she ran out. Harmony smirked and got an idea. But she would have to wait till after class. As class continued Carlos and Jay were fighting over who got to answer the next question. Taking Mal's advice they passed.
"I was going to say that!" Carlos yelled when Jay slammed his hand down and answered himself.
"Well I said it first." Jay replied which caused them to start fighting.
"Boys! Boys! I'm going to encourage you to use that energy on the Tourney Field." Fairy Godmother scold.
"Oh, no thanks, whatever that is we'll pass." Carlos replied.
"Well I think you could all use an extra-curricular activity. Evie, you could be in our sewing program, Mal could be in art, and Harmony, one of our students told me you have a beautiful voice. I'll show you the music group after class." However Harmony was asleep again making Fairy Godmother sigh disappointed. "And I suppose some night classes."

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