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Ben walked up to the villain's kids. "It is so so so good to finally meet.." Jay punched him making him pause. "Meet you all." He said still smiling, Jay smiled in return. Ben then moved over to Mal and they stared into each other's eyes for a bit before he continued. "This is a momentous occasion and I hope will go down in history." Ben grabbed Carlos's hand who still was covered with chocolate. Ben tasted his fingers. "Chocolate?" Carlos licked his hand in replied.
Harmony chuckled as she made a handkerchief appear in her hand and gently helped Carlos wipe his face. "You are completely covered in chocolate buddy."
Ben smiled, he knew the villains kids weren't bad and in his eyes Harmony just proved it.
"Where did that come from?" Herbert asked Harmony amazed as she made the handkerchief disappear into a cloud of smoke.
"Study more cousin, I have all my dad's powers." Harmony smiled as she shook Ben's hand before Ben continued his speech.
"As the day two people began to heal." Ben concluded.
"Or the day you showed 4 people and a Goddess where the bathrooms are." Mal said loudly.
Ben smiled and went back to her. "A little bit over the top?"
"A little more than a little bit." Mal nodded.
"So much for my first impression."
"It was still better than the girl with the ugly dress next to you." Harmony told him. Ben smiled Audrey glared, and Herbert held in a laugh. Harmony gently put her hand on his shoulder. "We're teenagers, you don't have to talk to us like we're some big fancy King and Queen that need your approval. Just be yourself." Ben gave her a thank you.
"Hey get your hand off before you burn him." Audrey demanded.
"Oh relax crazy girl, my blue fire is harmless, it's the red one you need to look out for."
Audrey glared then turned back to Mal. "Hey, you're Maleficent's daughter aren't you? Yeah you know what, I totally don't blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. My mom's Aurora, Sleeping..."
"Beauty." Mal finished for her. "Yeah, I heard the name, you know what, I totally do not blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole world, except my mother to their stupid christening."
"Water under the bridge." Audrey said which made Harmony flinch. All the villains kids looked at her knowing she hates water. Ben noticed too and quickly stepped in. "So how about a tour?" All the villain's kids follow him to a statue of King Adam, AKA The Beast. Ben clapped his hands making the statue change into beast form. Carlos screamed and jumped into Harmony's arms. "Carlos it's ok, my dad wanted it to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible."
"It's ok buddy, it's not a real dog, and it doesn't have a soul so it's harmless." Harmony said softly putting him back on his feet.
"Does it shed much?" Mal asked.
"Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch." Ben replied before they walked into the building.
"So do you have a lot of... Magic here in Aruadon? Like wands and stuff?" Mal asked.
Harmony rolled her eyes and whispered to Mal. "Shut up about the wand."
No one else heard her so Ben replied. "Yeah, it exists of course. But it's pretty much retired, most of us here are just ordinary mortals."
"Who happen to be Kings and Queens." Mal added.
"That's true." Audrey bragged then sighed dreamly. "Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years." She said as she forced Ben to wrap his arm around her.
"Really? Hmm, mine goes back to the beginning of time." Harmony grinned. "What would that be? Thousands? millions? Maybe billions of years ago?" She lightly chuckled. "I forget."
Noticing Audrey's look Ben called for Doug and took his arm from Audrey and wrapped it around Dong's shoulders instead. "This is Doug, he's going to help you with your class schedules and help you with the rest of the dorms." He walked back to the others. "I'll see you later ok? And if there is anything you need feel free to...'
"Ask Doug." Audrey said before she pulled Ben away.

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