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Harmony appeared next to a mountain surrounded by rocks and sighed. 'Now what?"
"PULL!!" Crash.
Harmony looked up and saw fire in one of the caves opening climbing up, she peeked over the edge and saw her father, Pain and Panic with Meg. And Hades did not look happy one bit.

Harmony listened closely to their conversation and frowned. 'This can't be it. The fates said I was going to go home after I help him when he needs it most.' Then she groaned. 'They said they sent me to close to when he needs me. What am I suppose to do now?' Harmony looked down at her cousin who was showing off to tons of people. She then looked down at herself and saw she wasn't wearing her pajamas anymore but a tunic. "Thank you Fates."
"Did you hear something?"
Harmony quickly put out her hair and hid in the shadows as Pain and Panic walked by.
"I swear I heard something." Panic told Pain as they continued to fly off.
Harmony sighed relieved. "Ok, just have to keep watching till I'm needed, no problem." Harmony managed to stay out of sight all through Meg and Hercules date, when Hades and Meg talked, When Hades stole Hercules strength, When Hades unleashed the Titans, even the great battle.
Harmony was now in the underworld pacing back and forth. "I don't get it, I've been here all day and nothing, when am I going to be needed?"
She looked up as the palace blew up do to her dad's anger. "WE WERE SO CLOSE!!!" Harmony climbed up and looked through the window. "So close, we tripped at the finish line! Why? Because our little *nut*-Meg has to go all noble.''
"Please tell me I wasn't suppose to help during the fight." Harmony whispered to herself.
Suddenly Hercules came in riding on Cerberus. "Where's Meg?"
"Look who it is, Wonderboy." Hades smirked. "You are too much."
"Let her go." Hercules demanded.
"Get a grip." Hades said rolling his eyes. "Let me show you around."
Harmony gasped when she saw where they were heading. "Oh no." Harmony ran in and quickly hid in the shadows in time to see Hercules was making another deal.
"You like making deals. Take me in Meg's place."
Hades thought about it. "Hmm. The son of my hated rival trapped forever in a river of death."
"Going once... "
Hades said softly to himself. "Is there a downside to this?"
"Going twice... "
"Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. You get her out. She goes, you stay."
Hercules then dives in.
Hades smirks to himself. "Oh, you know what slipped my mind? You'll be dead before you can get to her. That's not a problem, is it?"
Harmony couldn't help but lightly chuckle, but it was cut off when Hercules came back up glowing with Meg's soul in his arms.
"This is impossible, you can't be alive.. you'd have to be..."
"A God." Pain and Panic finished for him as they stepped out from behind him.
"Hercules, stop! You can't do this to me, you can't..." Hercules cuts Hades off by punching him in the face. "Fine, okay, well I deserved that."
Harmony watched as her dad kept trying to talk to Hercules but when Hercules had enough he punched Hades right into the river.
Hercules, Pain and Panic turned to see a girl with flaming blue hair run pass them and dive into the river herself.
"Who was that?" Hercules asked. Pain and Panic just shrugged their shoulders. They watched as the girl swam to Hades who was being dragged down by the souls. The souls grabbed her too but stopped when Harmony started humming a melody. All the souls stopped making Harmony have no problem swim to Hades who was looking sick. Harmony grabbed him and swam up as long as she was humming the souls didn't attack. Harmony got them to land and laid Hades down on his back, both their flaming hair was out leaving Hades bald and Harmony's long blue hair surround her face. Hades weakly opened his eyes to see a blurry vision of a girl who then vanished. 

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