Their Choices

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"Don't blow it kiddo." Maleficent said as she watched the tv.
"Relax Mally, if it's too much for your "princess" to handle my daughter will pull through." Hades smirked. Harmony noticed all the sad faces her friends had and she gave them each an encouraging smile before she looked back to see the crown being placed on Ben's head. Fairy Godmother took her wand and started to bless him with it. Just as he said his vow the wand was taken from Fairy Godmother's hand, Harmony gasped, it wasn't Mal who took it, it was Jane!
"Child what are you doing?!" Fairy Godmother demanded.
"If you won't make me beautiful I know someone who will." Jane snapped.
Harmony appeared in front of Jane with a blank face. Jane bowed down to Harmony like a servant and held the wand up to Harmony. "Please, it's yours just make me beautiful again."
Carlos, Evie, Jay and Mal all surrounded them.
"Grab it and let's go Harmony." Carlos said.
"Revenge time." Jay reminded her.
"You really wanna do this?" Ben asked.
Mal turned to look at him. "We have no choice Ben, our parents..."
"Your parents made their choice, now you make yours."
"I think I wanna be good." Mal said after a few moments of hesitation.
"You are good." Ben told her.
"Because... I'm listening to my heart."
"I wanna listen to my heart too." She turned to her friends. "My heart is telling me that we are not our parents. Jay, stealing things doesn't make you happy. Tourney and pizza with the team makes you happy." Jay nodded agreeing. "And you." She looks at Carlos. "Scratching Dude's belly makes you happy, who would have thought." Carlos gave her a smile.She then looked at Evie. "And Evie, you do not have to play dumb to get a guy, you are so smart." Evie sniffled and smiled too. Finally she looked over at Harmony who was looking at them sadly. "And Harmony, you shown us all what love was since the day we met you. You don't have to prove anything, you have a family that loves you and just wants you to be happy." Harmony looked down at the wand and then back up to Mal who continued. "And I don't wanna take over the world with evil, it doesn't make me happy. I wanna go to school and be with Ben." She turned back to Ben showing the ring on her finger. "Because Ben makes me really happy." Then she turned back to her friends. "Us being friends makes me really happy, not destroying things, I choose good you guys." Mal held out her fist to them.
Jay put his fist in as well. "I choose good too."
"I choose good." Evie added.
"So... just to be clear... we don't have to worry about how really mad our parents will be?" Carlos asked. Everyone started laughing except for Harmony cause she knew he wasn't joking. "Cause they're going to be really REALLY mad."
"Your parents can't reach you here." Ben assured.
"Ok then.. good." Carlos put his fist in.
Now all eyes were on Harmony. Harmony looked down at Jane who was still bowing at her with the wand in her hands. She then looked up at her friends who were all smiling at her motioning her to join them.
Harmony smiled sweetly at her friends. "I love you guys, and Mal you're right, I do have a family that loves me." They all smiled at her and waited for her to join them but instead Harmony's face got darker.
"And that is why I can not betray him."

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