Step 3

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Jimin's POV

We were walking together again, this time to take some of the sports equipment from the store for our gym class.

You gave me half the list while you took the other, and we started gathering the things in two separate boxes, making it easier for us to carry one each.

Once we gathered everything, you stated that you'll be walking to the gym first since I need to lock the door.

Agreeing and taking a look (read: ogling) at your muscular back for a few seconds, I proceeded to lock the door and my eyes caught a piece of paper on the floor.

It's the other part of the list.

Scanning through it once, my eyes widened before I scanned it back for the second time, processing each item on the list in my brain.

I took my list and compared out each item.

No way!

Brushing the thoughts away, realizing that I took a quite long time scanning and comparing the list, I quickly slipped the keys and papers into the pocket of my gym shorts and carried my box to the gym.

Apologizing for being late, I walked towards you who had arrived and was currently talking to the teacher about today's activity.

As I handed back the keys to the teacher, standing next to you, I realized that there's a sweat dripping from your temple down to your chin.

Your breathing was heavier than usual, and I guessed that my suspicion was true.

You gave me the list of all the light equipment while you carried all the heavy ones by yourself.

I didn't know whether you did it on purpose or not, but it still made me feel giddy inside.

The thought of you being considerate towards my lack-of-strength body made me feel giddy.

Feeling happy, I felt each step I took lightened that I was practically skipping to everywhere for the rest of the day with wide smile decorating my face.

And I kept the two lists safely in my treasure box under the bed immediately when I got home that day.

Because I knew that one day, I would smile when I looked back at these memories.

Steps [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now