Step 13

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Jimin’s POV

Jeon Jungkook.

It was clear now after a lot of observations (read: mostly staring and got sidetracked due to your handsome face) done towards you.

You liked Namjoon hyung once upon a time ago, maybe still did until today.

Once again, ugh to the wicked dimples.

You were kind of inferior to your stepbrother, because you think due to his nature - beauty and kindness - had made Namjoon hyung and everyone else ended up liking Seokjin hyung and not you.

And you were afraid that I would be like those people too. Since I did fell for the couple's charm when we hung out last time.

They were charming indeed. They could scam people terribly and people would forgive them and even gave them more money instead of handing them to the cops.

That's how charming the dimples and their handsome faces were.

Once again, UGH.

(a/n: Cue the song, people! UGH by our Min Suga Genius Jjang Jjang Man Boong Boong and our universal leader, RM)

Important note: the previous point was just my assumption, there's no fact could support that you might have taken a liking towards me. But I can dream, or daydream, or hallucinate, or whatever.

*clears throat* okay, back to the main point.

And due to that, or maybe there're more reasons that I didn't know, your result dropped last exam.

That's why you were held back by our homeroom teacher, absent from the recess, and crying on the rooftop.

*whispers* you played hooky, classrep.

You even dragged your assistant, which is me. I don't know what to do with you anymore. smh.

And I know that this might not really help to cheer you up, but I wanted you to know that I like you.

More than I like Seokjin hyung and Namjoon hyung.

A totally different kind of like I had for them.

I like you specially.

I repeat, spppeeeaaaacciiiaaallll.

Since the beginning. Until now. Probably until the end actually. I like only you.


P/s: If you haven't realized it, this is my confession letter. I'll be going back first after school.

If you're returning my feelings, please catch up with me so that we could see the sunset together again, just like usual.

If you're not, please be a gentleman and just walk home if you saw me watching the sunset alone.

I'll be waiting until the sun's totally off the grid and if you're not there by then, I'll accept that as a no. Thank you!

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