School Festival

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Jungkook's POV

I was a bit slumped that your rest time and mine didn't clash for the school festival.

If we were to rest at the same time, it'd be a great opportunity to walk around together.

I would be more than glad to assign you with me, but I wasn't in charge of the scheduling. I could suggest to change my schedule, but I couldn't come out with such selfish request when everyone had accepted it willingly.

"Does anyone wants to switch their time with me?" a girl asked around.

"Why?" her friend asked.

"My boyfriend's coming around two, but my break is at eleven," she said, and my ears perked at the time mentioned.

Your break's at half past ten, and all students got one hour break. That means I could have half an hour with you!

"Did you say eleven?" I suddenly joined in and could see the shock on their faces since not many times I decided to mingle around the girls.

"Uh, yeah. Is your slot at two?" she tried to bat her eyelashes at me, and I held my disgust only in my head, wearing my poker face.

She just said that she had a boyfriend, sheesh.

"Yes. You can swap with me,"

"Aww, thank you Jungkook. You're the best! Maybe we could hang out sometimes?" she squealed, trying to squish her fake boobies around my biceps, and I couldn't help my face from scrunching in disgust anymore.

Stepping away, I declined her offer and quickly ran to the committee assigned about the change in the schedule. And away from the girls.


"I'm going for my break!" I announced and yeeted away as fast as I can from the booth, in search for you.

My 'Jimin radar' in full working mode, and soon it tingled around the food stalls. I saw you and called your name out of excitement.


I knew you heard my voice as you looked around, and as we met eyes, you smiled.

But then, your smile faltered.

Did I do something wrong?

Did you forget something important and had to go?

Although with all the questions in my head, I still waked towards you, just to have a clear look at the face I missed.

"Why did you stop smiling? Am I disturbing you?" I asked hesitantly.

At my question, you were confused and went into thinking mode, which was cute. Too damn cute.

And to look at you smiling the widest eye-smile that caused you to lose your sight, it nearly made me lost mine too.

It was too blinding.

And cute.

Shit, you're cute.

You're too cute and I'm loving it.

Upon realizing how whipped I was towards you, I broke into a fit of laughter, feeling happy that it was you that I fell for.

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