Failed Confession

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Jimin’s POV

Today's the day.

The day for me to confess to you.

I had it perfectly planned since last week.

1. Leave before you after class ends.

2. Get to your locker before you and place the letter.

3. Leave school immediately and reach the sunset place before you.

4. Wait at that place until you come.

5. Depends. If you come, watch sunset and walk back home together. If not, watch sunset and walk back home alone.


Clutching hard the bag straps, I ran out the class as soon as the bell rang. I knew you'd be weirded by my action, but I needed to reach your locker before you did.

"Yes!" I exclaimed excitedly as I reached the said locker, and thank goodness we didn't have lock for our lockers.

I quickly placed the letter and got out the school, together with all the group of students.

It was hard to pass through all the crowd, but I was guessing that I'll still arrrive at the place we used to see sunset first, compared to you.

You might still be waiting for me at the class.

Or taking your time reading my letter.

Feeling the nervousness kicking in at what your reply might be, I placed my palm on my chest and took a deep breath.

Releasing the deep breath, I felt a figure passed by my side at a lightning speed.

Is that...


Oh no.

No, no, no.

I need to arrive there first.

My plan.

This was not in my plan. I never planned on what to do in case you arrived there before I do.

Panicking, I tried to make my way by cutting through all the students. I shouted my loudest voice I could and exclaimed a few words to show my urgency.

"Excuse me, I need to pass through"

"Sorry, had important business here!"

"Urgh, coming through! I need to chase my future boyfriend here, please give way!"

But none of them worked.

Disappointed at my own weak voice and body, I gave up in trying to get through the crowd and just let my body get dragged until I reached you.

And there you were.

All pretty and composed. And not out of breath at all.

What an epic failure of a confession of mine.

But at least you're here.

Meaning, you returned my feelings.

You like me too.

And that's all that matters to me.

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