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Jungkook's POV

My plan to walk by your side during the school marathon was shattered into pieces as the members were called to the gym.

"Your time will be recorded. The last five will have to train twice harder than the others, and the others will have no training at all. For a month," the coach announced, earning loud responses from the whole team.

"Sir, but there're only seven of us?" one of members questioned.

"Exactly," he smiled wickedly and all of us groaned, dreading the thought of being tortured during practice.

Training was hell, and double hell?

Hell no.


"Jungkook, go easy on us, man" one of the boys spoke as we walked back to class.

"No can do, bud. I'm a class rep, if I lose, I'll spend my whole life in school for a month" I grinned guiltily, not backing away.

I'll miss the time to walk home with you if I lost. For one month. No no. Double no.


I finished first followed by our team leader, making us win the two top places.

Breaking my own record, that's how desperate I was to spend more time with you.

Being too fast arriving at the finishing line, I was called to help the teacher to bring back students who were injured or fainted throughout the route. Or maybe catch the ones who played hooky.

Getting into the van, I only searched for you.

And poof, you're there. But you're injured. And the van's still moving, since the teacher didn't realized the small silhouette of yours.

"Sir, there's one guy from my class there. Let me help him, sir. He seemed injured"

At my request, the teacher stopped the car and I quickly jogged towards you, and made you looped your arms around my neck.

Trying hard to ignore how small your waist felt in my hand, I guided you back to the van.

"Lean on me, Jimin" I said, as you seemed to be too awkward and still tried to walk on your own despite not being able to do so.

Worrying about you too much, I sent you back until you reached your doorstep, saying that it was an order from the teacher in charge.

Steps [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now