Step 10

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Jimin’s POV

Definitely didn't know that you have a brother that loved you so much despite being half brothers.

Kim Seokjin was his name.

And he was a senior in our school.

And you never told me that.

And that guy was damn famous.

Because of his beauty outside, and his beauty inside.

However, this odd funny and entertaining personality, plus motherly calming aura I got from him right now was the first time for me. And it was not bad at all. This side of him was comforting.

"Hyung, get out of my room. We're studying," you pushed your brother away and facepalmed yourself when your brother skillfully escaped your pushing hands and turned to the awkwardly standing me.

"Jiminie baby, you're the first friend our Kookie has brought home. All of these times, he would only tagged along with my boyfriend and his group of friends. This calls for celebration! Will you please stay until dinner?" he offered warmly, but I looked at you for permission.

In case you didn't want me to stay for that long.

"It's up to you, really, but Jin hyung did cook delicious dinners," you shrugged your shoulder, with a smile on your face.

To my surprise you didn't seem to mind, and you even seemed pleased at the invitation that you also invited me along, and I heartily accepted it with my widest smile. The one that you laughed at before, during the school festival.

"Great! I'll cook a feast for you two. Just study hard, although that's actually my task since I was the one taking exams this year, but I passed the role of being the smarter brother to our Jungkookie. I'm handsome enough to survive this harsh world even without brain," Seokjin blew a flying kiss towards us before taking his leave, and I was stunned.

Until you cleared your throat.

"Sorry about that," you apologized, scratching the back of your neck, a pink tint was seen on your cheeks for the first time, and it wasn't due to you doing sports.

Oh how I want to take my phone out to capture the look you wore on your face right now.

You're adorable!

However, it was saddening that I could only capture the rare scene with my eyes and store it safely only in my head.

"I didn't mind it at all, he seems nice and friendly. And handsome, just like what the people in school said," I waved my hands in front of me, really didn't mind the small meeting with your brother.

"He is handsome, isn't he?" you asked with slumped shoulders, and it may be only in my mind, but you were colder to me that day than the others, and I was clueless as of why.

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