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Jungkook's POV

The homeroom teacher told us to collect the group assignments and submit them to the teacher's office.

Damn, they're thick. Like my thighs.

Before I could even offered to take a few of the assignments from you, you had took half of them by yourself, and man, you're struggling.

I tried to walk by yourside but you looked too funny to me. Too cute. Thus, I walked half the hallway away from you so that you couldn't hear me laughing.

You might get offended.

And I didn't want to get on your bad side. As soon as I finished laughing and managed to hide my smile, I turned back to look at you.

You're almost falling.

Oh nuuuuu, you're just getting cuter everyday.

Quickly walking back towards you, I took another half of the reports from you, and turned back to the teacher's office and started walking again.

And I just hoped that you didn't know that I grinned the whole walk to the teacher's office due to your cute struggle.

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