Sports Day

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Jungkook's POV

It's sports day.

And I regret having such great athletic body when times like these came. Because everyone wanted me to be in their teams.

I was thankful that we had exceptional basketball player in our class. One game less for me.

I had to limit myself to five games, so that I could focus on one day per game throughout weekdays.

I felt bad towards you, who never complained about the class's tasks that you had to handle alone due to my packed schedule.

"Are you okay?" I stopped you, once we crossed path with each other at the hallway while going to oppsite directions.

"I'm fine, but you must've been tired, Jungkook. You should rest whenever you can, okay?" you advised, face full of concern.

I miss you.

As I opened my mouth to say the words, one of our classmates called for me. I huffed out in annoyance telling him to go first, and turned back to look at you.

"Be careful going home, okay? I'm sorry I couldn't walk back together with you these days," I apologized, and you just shook your head with a small 'it's okay'.

"You should be careful too. Don't fall asleep anywhere just because you're tired," you scolded cutely, making me chuckle at your cuteness.

You smiled as well, but then excused yourself as you need to get printouts for our class. I just watched you in silence, and only go on my way after you disappeared around the corner.


I couldn't sleep last night after being attacked with cramps in my leg due to improper cooling down after the game.

And it was taking a toll on my physique.

And you realized it.

I saw the frown on your face, and I didn't want to risk making the frown deeper if I were to faint in the middle of the field during the next game.

Thus, I opted for sleep.

Pulling you together with me, I brought us to the infirmary, remembering your advise to not sleep anywhere.

The look on your face was funny as I made you lie down on the bed, but I was too tired to laugh at you.

My eyes were closing already.

Taking you in my arms, I sighed in content at the warmth of your body. It helped lulled me into sleep faster and without I realizing, I was out like a light.

And that was the best nap I had throughout the sports day season, with you in my arms.

Steps [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now