Step 11

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Jimin's POV

"Do you want to hang out together this weekend, Jimin?" you asked before I got into the gate to my house.

"Y-yeah, sure,"

"Nice, I'll text you the time and fetch you here," you said.

"Oh, I could go to your house?"

"No, Jin hyung's going to steal you from me again if you come," you mumbled under your breath so slow that I failed to hear you clearly.


"N-Nothing!" you blushed again. The pink tint on your cheeks had popped out even more frequently these days, and I did had a few photos of you blushing in my phone now.


"Jiminie, hop in! Jungkook's at the back," Seokjin waved excitedly from the side of the road, and I could see his boyfriend being in the passenger seat beside him.

I got in the car as told, and could see you looking at me with sorry look. Getting a gist of what had happened, I just grinned, and took a seat beside you.

"Jimin, this is my boyfriend, Namjoon. Joonie, say hi to Jiminie," Seokjin started, and his said boyfriend turned to look at me.

"Kim Namjoon, well, you are as cute as Jinnie said, Jimin. Nice to meet you," he introduced and smiled.

Gosh, dimples.

I melted.

Kim Namjoon, who didn't know him? The best student in our school, with very bright and concrete future ahead. The proud of our school.

"Jimin, take his hand" I was too into his dimples that I jumped when you whispered into my ears. You pushed my elbow from behind and I just realized that Namjoon was extending his hand for a handshake.

"Uh, nice to meet you too!" I quickly took his hand and his dimples deepened even more, looking so happy that I returned his handshake.

Now I know why people didn't reply his handshake.

Because of that evil dimples. That was some dark magic the dimples had. Sheesh, I was lucky Jungkook was there to save me.

After a few words exchanged with the couple at the front, I finally sat back comfortably and able to talk to you.

"Thanks for earlier. I didn't realize he was asking for a handshake," I whispered just so only you could hear, while peeking to the front, being on guard.

"Nah, it happens a lot. You must've been in daze due to his dimples," you replied casually, and I gasped at how spot on your guess was.

"How did you know?!"

"It happened to me as well, many times before. More than you could imagine," you answered more to yourself but I still heard every word, and your eyes looking at the couple in front, with such... melancholic eyes?

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