Step 8

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Jimin's POV

It's sports day.

I was tasked to do more than I could for the class since you were involved in the sports directly.

I didn't blame you, since there was no rules on how many games should a student join.

And the whole class wanted you, except for basketball and netball.

Basketball, because we had Min Yoongi. As for netball, well, because it was netball. No boys allowed.

Being the athletic you, you joined almost all the other games. Your schedule was packed for almost the whole week attending all the preliminary games, making me almost all alone for the whole time handling the class's duties.

Helping the teachers alone.

Submitting the assignments alone.

Walking back after school alone.

I missed having you by my side, I missed trying to catch up on your fast and large steps you took.

But I concluded that my job wasn't even half as bad and tiring as yours. And the final day came.

You had four games today.

I was glad that I was born weak in this life for the first time ever.

The two games went on smoothly with our class winning both. It was a happy moment for us, but I was starting to get concern about you since you looked pale.

"Jungkook, here" I passed the mineral water that you had accepted with heavy breaths and gulped it down fast.

"Are you sure you're going to be okay? The next is soccer, you know? Maybe you could rest a bit the first half and get in the next half?" I suggested, since you looked too worn out.

"It's okay, I'll manage" you just shook your head and flashed a smile that made no room for argument, so I just nodded with a small 'alright' leaving my mouth, face facing down to our shoes.

I didn't want you to saw the frown of worry on my face, but I guessed you managed to get a glimpse of it. Because you took my wrist and pulled me away from the rest of our classmates who were still celebrating the last win.

"Where are we going?" I asked, but received no answer.

Even so, I was happy to walk with only the two of us again. Removing my eyes from observing your wide back for a while, I recognized the route to be heading to the school infirmary.

And soon, you pushed me into the said room and made me lie down on the only bed there.

"I'm not sic -" my words were cut off, frozen by you who's also climbing into the bed.

You've got to be kidding me.

"Shhh, I'm sleeping. There's still one hour before the next game, please wake me up when the time comes," you said as you put your arms around my body.

Can you even sleep? Because I definitely couldn't.

But soon, I felt your chest heaved up and down constantly in slow steady breaths, probably due to the extreme tiredness.

You fell asleep, just like that.

And that's how I first became your bolster and alarm.

Just. Like. That.

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