Step 12

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Jimin’s POV

"Jungkook, can you spare me a moment?" the teacher held us back after submitting the assignments to her desk and you looked towards me.

"Go on first, Jimin. I'll meet you later at the cafeteria," you asked. I just agreed and bid the teacher a small bow before leaving the teacher's office.


You took too long.

I had bought our lunches and waited for you to come to the cafeteria, but you never did.

With ten minutes left for recess, I exited the cafeteria to search for you.

I started walking fast to the flower garden.

No signs of you.

I jogged to the gym.

Not here.

I ran to the football field.

The basketball court.

The swimming pool.

And by the time I reached the rooftop, I was covered in sweats. The largest number of steps I had taken in this school year except during marathon.

But thankfully you're there.

You were sitting down on the floor, with your side resting on the fence. Eyes looking down at the empty school yard.

Approaching you who didn't realize my presence slowly, I saw the cloudy look on your face.

And a drop of tear.

My throat tightened by itself and I ignored the exhaust I felt in my legs due to all the runs I did before and forcely jogged fast towards you.

"Jungkook," I whispered, making you turned away to remove the evidence of you crying and turned back to look at me.

"Jimin, what are you doing here? The bell rang," you tried to sound normal and I frowned my eyebrows.

"I was looking for you," I said in whispers again.

"Sorry, let's get back. The teacher will -" you tried to stand up but I placed both my hands on your shoulders and pushed you to stay sitting down.

"We're not going anywhere. You are going to sit here and cry your eyes out while I am just gonna be here by your side until you finish, understand?" I was surprised at my own demanding voice and it turned out you did too as you stopped making effort to stand up.

"I'm not going to force you out of what's troubling you, but you need to let out your frustration, or sadness, or anger once in a while. It's not good to keep it inside" I spoke out after the two of us sat side by side with our backs on the fence.

"Then lend me your shoulder,"

"I stink of sweats though. You might even forgot how to cry if you smell me,"

"I don't care,"

"Fine, suit yourself"

After you plopped your head on my shoulders, both of us fell silence, until you sobbed.

And that was the first time I heard such heart-wrenching cries from you that made me shed my own tears as well.

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