Step 7

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Jimin's POV

"You should enter the competition, Jungkook" I braved myself to talk to you about it.

As soon as I saw the photography competition poster, my mind was taken to you.

"Nah, I don't think I'll win it," you smiled at your feet and kicked the small pebble out the road.

"You don't have to win. Just see how far you can go with your pictures. But I personally think you can go far," I muttered out my opinion softly, not wanting you to feel forced to enter and made me a pushover.

"You think so?" you asked again, and I saw that you're getting convinced.

"Yeah. Even if you don't, it's a good experience isn't it? No loss on your side," I shrugged my shoulder, tugging the backpack straps tighter in my hands.

"Maybe you're right. I'll tell our homeroom teacher tomorrow," you smiled sincerely, and I mirrored your expression as you agreed upon entering the competition.



You waved your hands in the air to get my attention.

And then, you ran.

Towards me.

And before I could even react, you ran straight into me, pulling me into a bone crushing hug, making me stumble a few steps backward.

"J-Jungkook?" I stuttered, arms fixed in the air awkwardly by your side, not knowing what to do.

"I did it, Jimin! Thank you!" your cheerful voice rang beside my ears loudly.

Your actions shocked a lot of people, including me.

You were always very composed and collected, and to see you running and yelling along the corridor was a particular sight to everyone.

And to top it off, you went to hug me and yelled out my name, the quiet boy who wasn't known to a lot of people in our school.

Feeling embarrassed by the staring eyes, I tapped your shoulder for you to let go.

But I guessed you misunderstood it as a comforting pat, and you hugged me even tighter.

Fortunately, you broke the hug right after that.

You pulled me to the main lobby, and proudly pointed to one of the photos on the wall.

The familiar photo that I knew, you were the photographer.

Because I was there when you took them.

Because it was the photo you showed me.

The photo of the sunset.

"I entered and passed the prelim stage with this photo. I am so happy I took your advice, Jimin. Thank you,"

At your gratitude, you turned to look at me with your sparkling eyes and smiled brightly with your bunny teeth full on display.

It took the breath out of me.

I stared at you with gapped mouth and wide eyes for I didn't know how long.


"O-Oh, c-congratulations. I didn't do much though. You did everything," I stuttered, still feeling the lingering heat of your hand that just held mine earlier.

"No, I owe it all to you. And the most I could do now is to treat you ice cream after school, is that okay?"

"Ice cream?"

"You don't like ice cream? Then, maybe bubble tea?" you scratched your head with a small pout on your mouth.

"No, ice cream is okay," I waved my hands timidly to refuse the bubble tea offer.

"You don't like bubble tea?"

"I like bubble tea too, but the place is further from the train station. You need to get to your part time job as fast as you can, right?"

"Oh, you're right. Alright then, ice cream after school. It's a promise!" you exclaimed and again, you pulled my hand and we ran back to class since the bell already rang.

And I just followed your steps mindlessly, heart and head filled with the thoughts of how our first hang out after school would be.

Steps [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now