Step 5

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Jimin's POV

Times passed, and now we were walking home with the sun setting in the background.

Strong breeze blew and pushed my bangs into my eyes.

Removing the hair that was obstructing my view, I looked at you who're walking a few steps ahead of me.

You were focused on the sunset that was flooding the whole sky with its' orange hue.

Without word, your light steps were directed to the field of grass and you stood there, not so close to the river, and not too far from the roadside.

Somewhere in the middle.

I observed as you took out your phone and started taking pictures of the beautiful view in front of us.

Mirroring your action, I took out my own phone to capture the view.

Of you.

To me, you were the view.

You're breathtaking.

The sunset was a plus.

I quickly put down my phone and hastily slipped it in my pocket when you turned to look at me so suddenly.

I froze on my feet when you suddenly jogged fast to where I was standing.

Did you caught me taking photos of you?

Getting nervous, my breath hitched when you stopped a step too close in front of me and just stared straight into my eyes for a few seconds.

Before you shoved your phone in my face.

"I got great pictures!" you exclaimed happily.

Forcing myself to break the eye contact we shared, I diverted my focus to the screen of your phone.

Indeed, the talent.

Very great indeed.

And now, you appeared even more handsome than you did a second ago due to your additional talent I just discovered.

"It's very pretty, Jungkook" I whispered in daze, my eyes back on your doe ones that had never left my face.

"Do you want it too?" you asked, blinking once before your large ebony eyes locked with mine again.

"Huh?" I raised my eyebrows, not processing the question.

"This picture. If you want it, I could send it to your phone," you talked so excitedly with bright eyes that it automatically brought a smile to my face and I nodded.

And that's how I started collecting new wallpapers and the lock screens for my phone.

As for your photo that I took secretly that evening, it was now the wallpaper for my laptop that had never left the small compound called my room.

Steps [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now