Hang Out

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Jungkook's POV

I walked into the house with giddiness, earning a weird look from Seokjin that was watching some drama in the living room.

"Did something good happen?" he asked, Not moving his eyes from the screen.

"Nothing," I denied, not wanting Seokjin to know about our hang out plan this weekend and ruined it.

"Well, okay. Oh and I'm stealing Jimin this weekend. You can -"

"NO! Jimin’s going out with me - urghhh, hyung!" I facepalmed myself, feeling frustrated that I fell into his trap again.

Seokjin was doing his windshield laugh so loudly that he had clutched his stomach as he was laughing too hard at my stupidity.

"Yeah, yeah laugh all you want, hyung. I'm going upstairs," I gave him one last glare before trying to ignore him.

"Me and Joon are going on a date too. Let's just double date. We'll double the fun!" he suggested excitedly, but I didn't feel like seeing them getting all mushy with each other.

"No," I rejected, and wanted to reach the stairs but was stopped by your threat.

"I'll give Jimin my collection of your ugly photos," he smiled evilly, and I let out a tired sigh.

There's no running away from this guy if he wanted something.


You're introduced to Namjoon for the first time since he weren't there when Seokjin barged into my room.

And when you froze staring at the boy, I knew that you were mesmerized by his dimples.

I did too.

Namjoon was my crush for a few years but I never had courage to tell him my feelings.

But I got over him fast, because Joon and Jin were such a great match. Someone intelligent should take care of my stupid brother.

Plus, I had you now.

You're way better than Namjoon in my eyes.

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