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Jungkook’s POV

"Jungkook, your father was involved in a car accident. And he couldn't survive, I'm sorry," she said as I took a seat in front of her.


"I'm sorry, your father's secretary just called and I thought that it'd be best for you to know immediately. However, your father was currently out of the country, so they said that it'll take at least another day for him to arrive,"

"D-Did Jin hyung -"

"Excuse me, is Jeon Jungkook here?" I heard Seokjin's voice calling out my name loudly and I looked to the source.

My homeroom teacher looked at him as well, and lifted her hand to show that I was there.

Without wasting any time, Seokjin pulled me into an encouraging hug, whispering me to be strong to handle the news.

"Jungkook, hyung will be right beside you, okay? We'll get to dad when he arrived. Mom and I will be here for you," he assured, and I just nodded wordlessly.

Dad wasn't the best dad in the world. After mom's death, he married Seokjin's mom just for money.

But thankfully, the two had never treated me like I was the same as my dad. They helped me a lot.

Even after Seokjin's mom finally able to broke her marriage with my father, they never left me alone. They saw how tortured I was to live under someone like my dad.

He used me to get closer to all the conglomerates, using my intelligent to proof that his son was better than theirs. And bragged about me when I got an award, but beat me up if I failed to get what he wanted.

Seokjin and his mom were the ones who had helped me to live away from father's greed towards money and helped me to live for my own. Instead of just living to please my dad.

However, his death still saddened me.

After all, he was still my dad.

And when you found me on the rooftop that day, I let out all my pent up emotions and cried the hardest. On the shoulder that you lent me.

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