Step 6

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Jimin's POV


My eyes widened at the sound of your voice in the middle of the busy festival.

School festival.

It was currently my rest time, so I decided to take a walk and explore the other classes' activities.

Mainly to look for food.

But at the sound of your voice, I turned my head from the appetizing, sizzling hot, freshly made food in front of me.

Just to look for you.

You, who had just called out my name.

Upon finding your figure that was taking slow and steady steps towards me, my eyes turned crescent.

But not wanting to lose the sight of you due to my eyes closing in too much, I lessened the intensity of my smile almost immediately.

You furrowed your eyebrows as you closed up and your steps slowed down, hesitantly approaching me.

"Why did you stop smiling? Am I disturbing you?" you asked, hesitation in your voice.

And I was the one furrowing my eyebrows now.

I would never.

You would never disturb me.

Your existence was a blessing to me.

"What? I stopped smiling?" I asked you, who were still standing a few feet from me.

My head worked to the fullest as my mouth made a pout I usually made when I was thinking hard.

And it clicked.


"Oh no, you're not disturbing me at all! It's me, I can't see well when I smile too much. See?" I flashed my widest smile and pointed my index finger to my crescent eyes for you to see what I was trying to tell.

Unexpectedly, you broke into a fit of laughter.

Loud, sincere laugh.

And I was beyond shocked.

It was the most beautiful laugh I had heard from you.

And I made that.

I made you laugh.

I felt my cheek flushed, and I offered you to sit beside me, which you gladly took while still laughing at my action.

And that's how we first shared a meal together, with your beautiful laugh ringing in my ears for the whole day, despite all the noises around us.

Steps [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now