Step 9

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Jimin’s POV

Being one of the top students in the school had made you even more in the center of everyone's attention right now.

Yes, it's the exam season.

Despite not having any important exam this year, since we're only in our second year, you're still being observed by all those jealous students and hopeful teachers who were placing too high of their hopes on you.

It even stressed me out.

And I wasn't even the one they looked at.

Sighing out loud, being too occupied with my thoughts about you in my head, I forgot that the real you was right by my side in real flesh.

"Are you worrying about the exam?" you asked, and I jumped at the close distance between our faces as I turned to look at you.

Unfortunately, I had jumped too much and escaped the walkway for pedestrian, making me loose my balance and falling towards the busy main road.

Being the one with faster reflex between the two of us, you quickly took action by pulling my arm and tugged it hard towards you, making me fall into your arms, but fortunately back on the pedestrian walkway.

"That was close," you hugged my body tight for a few moments, and I didn't know whether the act was to calm me down after escaping the danger, or to calm your own rapid heartbeats.

Because even I could hear your heartbeat now. And it was fast. Very fast. Might be even faster than my own.

"T-Thank you," I stuttered after breaking the hug, and we continued walking home after that.

"Uh - about my question, what caused you to sigh so loud, Jimin?" you started the conversation, to remove the somewhat awkward atmosphere between us.

"U-Um, about that. I guess I couldn't help but get worried about exam, since I didn't really get the things we learned in class," I replied, half lying because there was no way I was going to tell you truthfully that I was sighing due to thinking about you.

"Well, I'm great at studies. We can study together everyday after school at my house for a few hours if you want,"

"H-huh?!" I stuttered in shock, not expecting you to offer to tutor me.

"Well, I think it'll be fun if we study together, but if you're not the type to study in group, I understand. We all have our own study styles," you grinned so beautifully while looking straight into my eyes.

Me being me, I was immediately enchanted by that pretty smile, and said yes without even a single thinking done.

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