Step 4

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Jimin's POV

We walked oh – ran together.

Well, almost.

Situation wise, maybe?

It's the yearly school marathon event.

Every student's involvement was compulsory.

Including me.

You might think that I had some incurable disease or asthma or anything that made me weak like how I was, but no.

I was just sport intolerant.

I hate sports.

I hate exercises.

I hate things that would make me sweat.

Thus, explaining my weak and muscle-less body.

And to be forced to run a few kilometers around the neighborhood close to our school dreaded me a lot.

But however high my mountain of hate I had towards sports, I wasn't one who'd fake ill myself or pretended to be injured or faint in the middle of some unknown road just to escape this thing.

I ran, or in my case, I jogged for a solid one and half minute before walking for the rest of the track.

While you on the other hand, was one of the long-distance track team members.

You took this activity like a small exercise since the one you did for your training was even in a longer distance than this.

I saw the back of your head at the starting line for a few seconds before you completely disappear along with a few of your team members in the sea of students.

Rebelling a little this year, I made a stop at a convenience store along the way when the committee's not looking my way.

And I got lost in my phone screen, biting on my ice cream stick before I remembered that our attendance would only be ticked if we reached the finish line.

Scrambling to my feet out the store, this time, I tripped and sprained my ankle for real.

It hurt like hell.

But to my luck, like every year before, the teacher in charge would drive the school's minivan to make a last tour throughout the route we used for marathon to check in case there were remaining students still on the route.

I waved my arm towards the minivan and limped to the vehicle when it came to a stop.

Focusing on taking small steps due to my hurting ankle, I didn't realize you had gone out from the van, approaching me.

I jumped in surprise and was taken by huge surprise when you took my arms to loop around your neck and brought my body close to yours, with your hand on my waist.

"Lean on me, Jimin" your beautiful voice rang softly in my ear.

You took slow steps, supporting my weight and brought me to the minivan that had waited for us.

And that's how you took me home to the front of my gate for the first time ever.

You won't be able to imagine how much I thanked my sprained ankle for that unforgettable day.

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