Step 1

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Jimin's POV

We walked out of school together for the first time.

Or in our case right now, ran.

You were pointed as the class representative by majority votes of the class against your will.

While me, I offered myself to become the vice.

Thank goodness, I was chosen because I was seen as the least capable person who'd be a competitor to steal you from the rest.

Although it's kind of hurt a little, but I was still happy.

Because however it was, I still got the title as your assistant.

And it gave me those chances and opportunities to create small memories with you like this.

You ran fast.

With large steps.

Because you definitely had longer legs than mine.

And also, because you had to rush to your part time job.

But I tried my best to keep up with you.

You said that I didn't have to run with you.

But I wanted to.

Therefore, I lied, saying that I was also late for my part time job.

When in all honesty, my shift wouldn't even start at least two hours from now.

And as soon as your train vanished from sight, I ducked down and rested my palms on both my knees.

I released the heavy breaths that I had kept in from you, keeping it in so that you wouldn't realize how out of shape I was compared to you.

And to make sure that you didn't figure out how desperate I was for wanting to spend time with you even if it's only for a second.

Steps [Jikook ff] ✅Where stories live. Discover now