Ice Cream

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Jungkook's POV

We were waiting for our turn at the ice cream shop.

To give you my thanks about the photography competition as promised.

"What flavor would you like, boys?" the lady asked kindly, and you took your time choosing your flavor.

However, after a few seconds, you turned to me with troubled look.

"I can't choose," you pouted cutely together with those puppy eyes.

I felt like my heart was stabbed numerous times by cupid's arrows, but I pretended to be okay on the outside. When actually, I was screaming on the inside.

Brushing it off, I took a step closer towards you, making our arms brushed with each other.

"Which flavors do you have trouble choosing?" I asked, planning to help the boy make his choice.

"All. I love all," you said with serious tone, and I kept thinking how I wanted to pinch your pink cheeks now.

"Take a seat, Jimin. I'll decide for you, if you don't mind?" I calmly asked the boy, and he seemed relieved that he didn't have to make such a hard decision anymore.

He walked to one of the tables, and looked for me to get approval.

I nodded, and turned away quickly to the lady before I actually acted on what I thought previously.

"Can you suggest the best for him?" I asked for her opinion.

"Is he your boyfriend?" she asked giddily, out of the ice cream topic, and I was thankful that no one was on the line behind me.

"I do like him, but he didn't know yet. And I don't even know if he likes me too,"

"Awhhh, I wish the best for you, boy. I'll give you my secret recipe, make sure you got him, okay?" she said enthusiastically and took off to make her special ice cream for you, making me smile wide at her reaction.

"Thanks... Y/N noona," I said as I finished paying.

"You're welcome! Now go and steal his heart," she finished and wave me goodbye.

I brought the ice cream to you and oh boy, I never saw someone loved ice cream as much as you did.

She told me to steal your heart, but I think on that day, the ice cream took your heart away from me.

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