Heats & Ruts

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Oslo jumped over a log, "and then we lived happily ever after!" She purred, finishing the story. Tord snickered, "for now. A werewolf always has a predator," Tord ran his pink tongue over her small ear. Oslo walked over to her mom, "mommy, are you okay?" She asked, noticing how Tom walked stiffly and kept his tail extremely close to his hindquarters.

Tom jumped slightly, "wh-what? Oh! I'm fine," he mumbled. Oslo looked over at her dad, "dad is mom okay?" She asked. But Tord was already next to Tom's side, running his tongue over the Omega's shoulder. Oslo wagged her tail nervously, looking around. A funny smell hit her nose from her mommy, making her shiver. It smelt good and interesting, and it definitely caught her attention, but she didn't exactly like it. Something in her told her to feel sorry for Tom, but why?

"Daddy, whats wrong with Mommy?" She whined softly. Tord flicked his ears up, turning his attention back at Oslo, "nothing nothing, you'll learn once your older. For now, go get moss and drench it in cold water by the lake, you can do that, right?" Tord asked. Oslo nodded, glad to be helpful.

She grabbed a mouthful of moss, ran to the lake, drenched it, and ran back. Once she returned, out of breath of course, she saw her mother leaning against her daddy. Tord perked his ears up again, "Oslo, put the moss on Tom's head, will you?" He ordered. Oslo nodded, balancing on her back legs as she squeezed the cold water against Tom's fur.

Tom licked his snout as water dripped down, his eyes were half lidded as his tongue stuck out, soft pants escaped his mouth. Tord helped Tom walk, supporting his partner. Oslo trotted up to the two, "what's wrong with Mommy?" She asked again, curiosity getting the best of her. Tord licked his jaw anxiously, unsure how to response to his youngest daughter's question. "You'll learn once your older, Oslo!" He said slightly in a raised voice. Oslo got the message to keep her mouth shut.

Tom tried his best to walk, but with this extreme heat, it was difficult! He looked at Tord, catching his eye. Tom looked forward again, 'ah! Tord's hot!' He fangirled to himself. His mind began wandering, drool trickling out of his jaw. Thoughts of Tord traveled in his mind, making his body weak.

Tord nudged Tom gently, snapping Tom out of his little fantasy world. Tom was on heat, of course. Lucky for him, the Omega had been taking pills to prevent any unexpected pregnancy. The Alpha continued walking, anytime soon, his own rut will kick in. They will have to go back to the base quickly. He picked up the pase, the Omega following slowly with their daughter trotting behind.


Well it wasn't long until the Alpha hit his rut, and they were still a long way away from the base. Oslo liked the smell coming from Tord instead of the one from Tom, but she didn't care too much. It smelt sweet and tangy and one more thing that she couldn't identify. Tord tried his best to keep his head up, constantly snapping in and out of focus when Tom's smell got stronger.

Tom, on the other hand, kept trying to get as close as he could next to Tord. He would tease the Alpha, touching the inside of Tord's thighs with the tip of his tail. Of course, Tord would push Tom away and continue walking, trying his best to stay focused. Oslo trotted next to them, "Daddy, are you okay?" She asked. Tord was panting heavily, his ears flicked back, "y-yeah...I-I'm fine!" He snarled slightly. Oslo bent her ears, looking forward. The base wasn't that far, she could easily get there or she ran in five minutes or so.

"Hey, the base isn't to far! I can run over, right?" Oslo asked, fiddling with her paws. Her parents were overprotective, so she doubted they'll let her- "y-yeah! Go ahead Oslo, it's fine. T-tell Uncle Paul and Patryk were coming, o-okay?" He panted heavily, wrapping his tail around Tom.

Oslo tilted her head, questioning why he let her go on her own. Was he really okay? Oslo shrugged, licking her jaw, "okay!" She barked, running off towards the base. Tord continued walking, helping Tom walk also. But Tom didn't feel like waiting.

The Omega pushed the Alpha down, purring and drooling slightly. Tord tried getting up, but Tom pushed him down harder, swiping his tail against Tord's crotch. The Alpha moaned slightly, but snapped out of it, pushing Tom up and off of him.

Tom whined slightly, drooping his tail. Tord shook his fur, "let's keep going," he growled. Tom rolled his eyes, walking slowly as the heat began building up again.


Tom and Tord arrived shortly after, both panting heavily once they got their fluffy butts through the main entrance. They turned back into their human forms and sent to their part of the base. The Alpha and his family lived in the mansion part of the base, which they had to themselves. Oslo was with Edd and Matt, after all the Omega and Alpha needed some alone time.

Slow updates, im working on another book :)

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