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Oslo slowly blinked awake, flicking her ears at some mosquitoes. They had to rest near the swamp because Jupiter licked a dumb frog and made her high. They would have been in the forest now, but Oslo didn't mind too much.

She stretched, resting her head on Zackery's shoulder. He was already awake, grooming his paws until everyone woke up. "Good morning," she greeted, licking his ear. Zackery nodded, flicking his ear in a greeting.

Aztec was gone, probably hunting for the pups. Milly woke up next, blinking a few times. She sighed, "morning," she yawned, flicking Oslo and Zackery's nose with her tail. Oslo bit Milly's tail gently, "morning sleepy head," She laughed. Milly giggled slightly, laying back down for a bit.

Jupiter woke up last, groaning as her head throbbed, "Milly, I hate youuuuu," she growled slightly. Milly giggled, "you were so high, it was hilarious!" She laughed. Jupiter stuck her tongue out, "where's Aztec?" She asked. Zackery lifted his head up, "went out hunting," he mumbled.

Jupiter groaned, digging her head back into her paws. Milly laid next to her, grooming the pup's silver fur. Oslo flicked her ears as Aztec pushed through the bushes, dropping a large rabbit, "breakfast," he said, licking the blood off his lips.

All the pups quickly darted up, tearing into the rabbit. They have loved raw meat, it was the best thing they had tasted in years! As Oslo ate, she thought about her parents. 'I wonder how they are doing. I hope they are suffering like how I did!' She snarled in her mind, tearing a chunk of meat off the rabbit and gulping it down.

And in reality, they really were suffering.

Tom laid on the forest floor, grooming his stomach fur with his pink tongue. Tord laid next to him, flicking his tail occasionally. They were spending their last few months together in peace at least.

Tom didn't want to do the surgery, he just wanted his baby to live.

Tord lifted his head up, digging his robotic claws deep into the dirt. He didn't want Tom to leave. What was he suppose to do after his mate left? How would he care for a child? What if he lost it like how he lost Oslo? All these thoughts hurt Tord terribly.

Tom looked at Tord, seeing his mate look at the ground with tears in his eye. Tom ran his tongue over his lovers cheek, "I love you," he whispered. Tord didn't say anything back, he just laid his head on Tom's, whimpering softly. "Please don't leave me..." Tord whined.

Tom bit his tongue, holding back his own tears, "I-I don't want to, but I want our baby to live," he whispered. Tord wrapped his tail around Tom's tightly, not saying anything. The Omega continued grooming his fur, wincing as his stomach growled in pain. He couldn't exactly eat anything without puking it back up, and his vision was slowly getting worse. He could only eat a few things that were soft like fruits or certain types of meats.

Tord whined again, "please do the surgery. Maybe the baby will live, I don't want you to leave me," he whispered, tears began rolling down his snout. Tom looked at the sun, "b-but what if the baby dies, Tord? What then? I can't handle the feeling of loosing Oslo. Killing my own baby next? I-I can't," he whispered.

Tord sighed, "then we can try again. But please, don't leave me," he mumbled, digging his snout into Tom's fur. Tom closed his eyes, "I'm sorry, Tord. I don't have much of a choice," he whispered.


Ringo watched from her branch, her wings dropping sadly by her side. She sighed, closing her eyes, "please stay strong. I'll figure out a way to fix this. I know I will, just stay strong," she whispered.

Ringo opened her eyes again, relaxing when she realized she was back at the garden. Sora sat underneath a tree, "receiving terrible news is never easy to deal with," she murmured, using her wing to lift a flower up. Ringo lowered her head, walking up to Sora.

Sora let the flower fall back in place, folding her wings, "yet," she whispered, looking at Ringo. "Miracles can always happen, my love," she smiled, extending her wings quickly to send a whirl of petals around her. Ringo lifted her head up, smiling softly. "Oh I wish that was true, Mrs. Lawsen, but I don't think this will be one of those miracles," Ringo sighed.

Sora fluttered her wings briefly, closing her eyes as she hummed, "you never know, Ringo."

"You really never know."

I binged watched too many Disney movies and now I want to make John Smith! Tord x Pocahontas! Tom one shot help pfpfofpkdlspspdokfkf

ALSO can we just acknowledge this-

LOOK AT ITAAAAAAPFFJKKJKFJKFKDLDITS AMAZINGTHANK YOU Zentrun ! Everyone please go follow them!I love the way my viewers think how Tom looks like! It's really amazing! Sorry it took a while to upload this chapter lmao

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THANK YOU Zentrun ! Everyone please go follow them!
I love the way my viewers think how Tom looks like! It's really amazing!
Sorry it took a while to upload this chapter lmao

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