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'AAAAH!' Oslo jolted awake, gasping. She groaned, the pain in her head throbbing. Her neck stung badly, making her wince very time she swallowed. 'Owww...where am I?' Was the first question that entered her mind. Oslo looked around, her body still against the cold concrete floor.

She seemed to be in a cell, enough room to roam around. A small hole through the wall illuminated the bright moon onto her fur. Oslo lifted her paw up, noticing how her right arm was laced with heavy chains. Her snout was clamped shut with a metal muzzle, scraping against her fur and into her skin.

Oslo looked at the other cells, noticing a pair of eyes meet her's. They were a light shade of blue, curiously and happiness filled them. "Oh! Your awake! Hi, I'm Jupiter! What's your name? Oh your so pretty! Look at you! Why do they have a muzzle on you and so many chains? Are you a witch? Wait until you meet my friends! Oh they will love love love love you!" Oslo held her ears down, whimpering as the other pup's voice gave her a headache.

"Jupiter, who are you talking to?" Another voice asked. Oslo opened her eyes, noticing Jupiter had gotten closer. She had a beautiful grey coat mixed with white and a pink nose. The other pup was also a girl, her fur a deep black and she had green eyes. Jupiter wagged, "it's the new wolf they brought! Look at her, isn't she beautiful?" The black pup looked at Oslo, smiling. "Oh, hello," She whispered softly.

Two other wolves came out of the darkness from the cell the two female pups were in. One was brown and the other was a mixture of dark red and orange, similar to a fox. Both were males, the brown one with yellow eyes and the orange one with brown. "Oooh! A new friend!" Barked the orange one, walking against the cell. The only thing separating Oslo from the others was their cell, the hallway, and her own cell.

The brown one just studied Oslo, flicking his brown ears. Jupiter jumped up and down, "oh oh oh! Let me introduce you to everyone! I'm Jupiter, of course you knew that, but the black one is Milly," she said, pointing at Milly with her claw. Milly only bowed, wagging her tail. "The red and orange one is Snare," Jupiter said, pointing at Snare. He stuck out his tongue, smiling. "And the brown one is Zack-A-Berry!" Jupiter giggled.

The brown pup snarled lightly, glaring at Jupiter. She stopped giggling and cleared her throat, "his real name is Zackery, but we call him Zack-A-Berry. He's usually quiet, but all of us are fun! How old are you? Milly's five, Im four, Zack is six, and Snare is four! What's your name?" She asked. Oslo tried to speak, but the muzzle held her mouth shut. Jupiter flicked her ear, before realizing. "Oh! Milly, why does she have those chains and muzzle? They didn't do that to us when they found us," she stated.

Milly narrowed her eyes, studying the chains and muzzle, "I'm not sure. Maybe she was fighter and had to keep her chained and unable to speak?" Milly guessed. Zackery snorted softly, "cat-brains. She's the Red Leader's daughter. They can't risk her getting away because they want him to suffer with his mate. You guys could never ease-drop to save your lives," he growled.

Oslo lifted her head up, wincing as the muzzle rubbed her skin. She got up and walked towards the cage, whimpering softly. Jupiter sat down, "don't be scared-" a loud clank of a door opening startled all of them. Snare flicked his ears down, "quick! Pretend your asleep!" He whispered loudly, watching as the wolves scurried to the far back of their cage, piling up to pretend they were asleep.

Oslo was paralyzed with fear, whimpering. A man walked to her a cage, kneeling down. He had black hair and green eyes, along with a mustache. Oslo snarled, a mixture of a whimper in there. She backed away as far as she could, noticing Mariel was next to the man, a metal collar on her. "So this is there pup?" He asked. Mariel nodded, "she was a fighter, but I managed to hit a vein and stop her blood flow, making her pass out," she reported.

The man nodded, opening Oslo's cage and grabbing her scruff. She cried in pain, but the muzzle blocked her terrified whimpers as they turned muffled. "Oh shut up, maybe if your good, we won't hurt you," he laughed. Oslo trembled in fear, 'Mommy, Daddy! Please come for me! I don't want to stay here!' She screamed in her head.

Mariel smiled, "look at her eyes, she's beautiful," she purred. The man nodded, taking off her muzzle, "now let's see how she behaves without her muzzle-" but Oslo began screaming, "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE! I NEED TO GET BACK TO MY MOMMY AND DADDY! SOMEONE HELP! PLEASE!" She cried. Mariel hissed, slicing Oslo's cheek to make her shut up.

Oslo whimpered, "p-please l-leave me a-alone," she whispered. Mariel chuckled, "not until you suffer like how I had to with this disgusting scar!" She growled. The man threw Oslo back into her cage, making her whimper in pain again. "Send Aztec over here to guard the pups, especially that new one. Oslo was her name correct?" He asked. Mariel nodded.

Oslo curled up in a ball, sobbing. She wrapped her tail around her small body, "d-d-daddy...m-m-mommy...where a-are y-you?..." she whispered. The other pups quickly scurried over to Oslo, wishing they could press against her and comfort her. "Oh you poor poor thing..." Milly whispered. Snare whimpered, "don't worry. All of us were also scared when we got here. Your mommy and daddy will come for you soon," of course he was lying, but it was the only way he could comfort her.

Zackery looked away from Oslo, shuffling his paws. If only she knew what would happen to her.

If only Oslo knew the pain she would experience like he did because they were werewolves.

I think I got the Corona bro I'm dying-

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